Broomfield Heights Stormwater and Pedestrian Improvements

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This Broomfield Voice page will no longer be updated, though project background information will continue to be hosted here. For a project summary and general project information please visit the project's new webpage.

Please visit the American West Construction project page for construction information and updates. This website is the best source for up-to-date construction status information. Construction started in February 2025.

Community Engagement Summary

The City and County of Broomfield collaborated with ICON Engineering and their sub-consultant, NHN Consulting on a Public Engagement Plan as one of the first tasks of Phase 1 in January 2023. Three in-person public meetings were held Phase 1, in addition to other input opportunities such as online surveys, small group meetings, etc. Community input along with floodplain and stormwater data, current regulations, and best engineering practices helped identify and influence alternatives for W 3rd Avenue that address stormwater and pedestrian deficiencies.

A fourth public meeting was held during Phase 2 to share updates on the design progress. And, a fifth public meeting was held at the end of January 2025 to share information about upcoming construction activities.

Project Scope

This project seeks to reduce flood risk to existing properties in Broomfield Heights while improving the pedestrian environment within the project area, and establishing safer walking and biking connections to Emerald Elementary School.

City and County of Broomfield online floodplain map:

Current Floodplain Map of Project Area

Phase 1 - Alternatives Analysis

The City and County of Broomfield hired ICON Engineering to complete an Alternatives Analysis to identify recommended options for stormwater, floodplain, and multimodal improvements. This phase of the project kicked off in January 2023.

Phase 2 - Design and Engineering

Once preferred alternatives are identified as part of Phase 1, the project team will proceed with design and engineering, securing required permits and producing construction documents. Phase 2 was completed from approximately July 2023 thru July 2024.

Phase 3 - Construction

Following design, the City and County of Broomfield conducted a competitive procurement process in the Fall of 2024 to select American West Construction as the contractor for the project. A construction contract was executed in December 2024. Construction began in February 2025. Please visit the American West Construction project page for construction information and updates.

Project Background

Broomfield Heights Filing 1, south of Midway Boulevard, is a historic neighborhood that was constructed in 1956 and 1957 before Broomfield was incorporated in 1961. Currently, this neighborhood has the highest concentrations of residential properties in the floodplain in Broomfield. This project seeks to contain and convey floodwaters from the start of the effective regulatory floodplain at Nickel St. and W. 120th St Ave./Hwy 287 to where they join the City Park Channel between W. Midway Blvd and Emerald St., reducing flood risk for existing properties.

The 2019 Broomfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Assessment identified the 3rd Avenue sidewalk, which is only 2.5 feet wide in this area, as a priority for further evaluation, and several of its minor cross streets as needing intersection crossing improvements- namely non-compliant ADA ramps and lack of crosswalks. In addition to addressing floodplain/ stormwater issues, this project will improve the pedestrian environment in this area, establishing a safer walking and biking connection to Emerald Elementary School. Specifically, the project will explore options for pedestrian improvements along 3rd Avenue from approximately Nickel Street near the Flatirons Park Apartments to Garnet Street, near Emerald Elementary School.

This project is funded by Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) created by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA). The City and County of Broomfield allocated approximately $9M of its SLFRF funds in total for both the stormwater and pedestrian improvement portions of the project, inclusive of both professional services and construction.

This Broomfield Voice page will no longer be updated, though project background information will continue to be hosted here. For a project summary and general project information please visit the project's new webpage.

Please visit the American West Construction project page for construction information and updates. This website is the best source for up-to-date construction status information. Construction started in February 2025.

Community Engagement Summary

The City and County of Broomfield collaborated with ICON Engineering and their sub-consultant, NHN Consulting on a Public Engagement Plan as one of the first tasks of Phase 1 in January 2023. Three in-person public meetings were held Phase 1, in addition to other input opportunities such as online surveys, small group meetings, etc. Community input along with floodplain and stormwater data, current regulations, and best engineering practices helped identify and influence alternatives for W 3rd Avenue that address stormwater and pedestrian deficiencies.

A fourth public meeting was held during Phase 2 to share updates on the design progress. And, a fifth public meeting was held at the end of January 2025 to share information about upcoming construction activities.

Project Scope

This project seeks to reduce flood risk to existing properties in Broomfield Heights while improving the pedestrian environment within the project area, and establishing safer walking and biking connections to Emerald Elementary School.

City and County of Broomfield online floodplain map:

Current Floodplain Map of Project Area

Phase 1 - Alternatives Analysis

The City and County of Broomfield hired ICON Engineering to complete an Alternatives Analysis to identify recommended options for stormwater, floodplain, and multimodal improvements. This phase of the project kicked off in January 2023.

Phase 2 - Design and Engineering

Once preferred alternatives are identified as part of Phase 1, the project team will proceed with design and engineering, securing required permits and producing construction documents. Phase 2 was completed from approximately July 2023 thru July 2024.

Phase 3 - Construction

Following design, the City and County of Broomfield conducted a competitive procurement process in the Fall of 2024 to select American West Construction as the contractor for the project. A construction contract was executed in December 2024. Construction began in February 2025. Please visit the American West Construction project page for construction information and updates.

Project Background

Broomfield Heights Filing 1, south of Midway Boulevard, is a historic neighborhood that was constructed in 1956 and 1957 before Broomfield was incorporated in 1961. Currently, this neighborhood has the highest concentrations of residential properties in the floodplain in Broomfield. This project seeks to contain and convey floodwaters from the start of the effective regulatory floodplain at Nickel St. and W. 120th St Ave./Hwy 287 to where they join the City Park Channel between W. Midway Blvd and Emerald St., reducing flood risk for existing properties.

The 2019 Broomfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Assessment identified the 3rd Avenue sidewalk, which is only 2.5 feet wide in this area, as a priority for further evaluation, and several of its minor cross streets as needing intersection crossing improvements- namely non-compliant ADA ramps and lack of crosswalks. In addition to addressing floodplain/ stormwater issues, this project will improve the pedestrian environment in this area, establishing a safer walking and biking connection to Emerald Elementary School. Specifically, the project will explore options for pedestrian improvements along 3rd Avenue from approximately Nickel Street near the Flatirons Park Apartments to Garnet Street, near Emerald Elementary School.

This project is funded by Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) created by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA). The City and County of Broomfield allocated approximately $9M of its SLFRF funds in total for both the stormwater and pedestrian improvement portions of the project, inclusive of both professional services and construction.

  • Fall 2024 Updates

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    December 2024. A construction agreement with American West Construction was approved by City Council on December 3, 2024. Construction Management and Construction Administration contracts are on the City Council agenda for January 14, 2024. Staff is coordinating with the contractor to develop outreach materials and schedule a neighborhood meeting. Construction is anticipated to begin in February 2025.

    October 2024. The construction procurement process is continuing. Once an Intent to Award has been made for construction, Broomfield will work with the selected contractor to finalize a construction agreement, which again is anticipated to go before City Council on December 3, 2024. The Construction Management procurement process is underway as well, but on a different timeline. An Intent to Award is anticipated in November, with a contract anticipated to be executed in January 2025.

    August 2024: Construction documents were completed (See "Phase 2- Design & Engineering" of the "Project Documents section to the right. An Invitation to Bid was issued on BidNet inviting contractors to bid on the construction project. Bids are due in September and the construction agreement is anticipated to go to City Council on December 3, 2024. A Construction Management Request for Proposal (RFP) is also currently being advertised.

  • Community Open House #4

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    On May 1, 2024 a fourth Community Open House was hosted at Emerald Elementary School to share a design update. Please see the "Project Documents" section to the right for information that was presented that evening, including a copy of the presentation.

    W 3rd Avenue Cross-Section view.

    W 3rd Avenue plan view of proposed improvements.Image Caption

  • Conditional Letter of Map Revision

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    A Conditional Letter of Map Revision Report was submitted to FEMA for review in January 2024. A Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR), is FEMA’s comment on a proposed project that would affect the hydrologic or hydraulic characteristics of a flooding source. This project does not create a rise in water surface elevation on the City Park Channel- South Tributary with the proposed project modeling. No insurable structures will be negatively impacted as a result of the project, in fact, a significant number of structures (buildings) will be positively impacted.

    The project design is still in its early stages, but as a result of the project's proposed stormwater improvements as many as 89 apartment units, 9 single-family houses and 1 commercial building would no longer be within the effective floodplain!CLOMR Map showing the effective 100-yr floodplain (existing) and the post project floodplain (proposed).

    Note this image has a typo. It was prepared in January 2024, not 2004.

  • Fall 2023 Updates

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    October - December 2023: Icon Engineering began preparing engineered plans for the project based on the Preferred Alternative. This work included additional survey, subsurface utility engineering (locating existing underground utilities), stormwater and floodplain analysis, and initial design of multimodal safety improvements. A Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat Assessment was also submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

    September/ October 2023: On September 26, 2023, Broomfield City Council approved a resolution and contract amendment with ICON Engineering for Phase 2: Design and Engineering. In late October letters were mailed to specific properties within the project area requesting 'Temporary Permission to Enter' so that project surveyors can survey grades and structure elevations necessary for floodplain modeling.

    July/ August 2023: Phase 1: Alternatives Analysis concluded in July, with ICON Engineering completing a Summary Memo in August outlining the process, public engagement, and the preferred alternative.

  • W 3rd Avenue Preferred Alternative

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    Based on community input gathered throughout the Phase 1: Alternative Analysis phase, a Preferred Alternative for improvements within the project area has been identified. The proposed improvements include:

    • 8-ft multi-use path on the south side of 3rd Avenue
    • 5-ft sidewalk on the north side of 3rd Avenue, closing the gap near Marble Street
    • Parking on the north side of 3rd Avenue east of Laurel St and on the south side west of Marble St
    • Striped crosswalks throughout the corridor and traffic-calming bump-outs at key intersections
    • New storm inlets and underground storm drain throughout the corridor
    • Reduced size of the 100-year floodplain and severity of nuisance flooding

    ***All proposed improvements are conceptual at this time and subject to engineering and funding constraints. Proposed improvements may vary during Phase 2: Design and Engineering.***

    Preferred alternative cross section and plan view.

  • W 3rd Avenue Alternatives

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    supporting image

    The Project Documents and Project Videos sections have information presented at Community Open House #2 on May 2, 2023. The Presentation Video (6 minutes) is a great place to start. The Presentation Boards and Board Summary provide more detail on the information presented with larger versions of the alternatives.

    W 3rd Avenue Alternatives A thru D.

  • W 4th Ave & Garnet St

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    The City and County of Broomfield heard resident concerns about traffic speeds along 4th Avenue and around the corner at Garnet throughout the Alternative Analysis phase. As a result:

    • Speed Limit signs were installed in July 2023 on W 4th Avenue.
    • The 4th/Garnet intersection will be evaluated for potential safety improvements during the Design/Engineering phase of this project. Implementation may be limited by the project budget.
    • W 4th Ave will continue to be monitored for eligibility for potential traffic mitigation; presently, the speeds do not meet the criteria.
    • Learn more about CCOB's traffic mitigation program.
Page last updated: 12 Feb 2025, 10:10 AM