Fall 2023 Updates
October - December 2023: Icon Engineering began preparing engineered plans for the project based on the Preferred Alternative. This work included additional survey, subsurface utility engineering (locating existing underground utilities), stormwater and floodplain analysis, and initial design of multimodal safety improvements. A Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat Assessment was also submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
September/ October 2023: On September 26, 2023, Broomfield City Council approved a resolution and contract amendment with ICON Engineering for Phase 2: Design and Engineering. In late October letters were mailed to specific properties within the project area requesting 'Temporary Permission to Enter' so that project surveyors can survey grades and structure elevations necessary for floodplain modeling.
July/ August 2023: Phase 1: Alternatives Analysis concluded in July, with ICON Engineering completing a Summary Memo in August outlining the process, public engagement, and the preferred alternative.

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