W 3rd Avenue Preferred Alternative

Based on community input gathered throughout the Phase 1: Alternative Analysis phase, a Preferred Alternative for improvements within the project area has been identified. The proposed improvements include:

  • 8-ft multi-use path on the south side of 3rd Avenue
  • 5-ft sidewalk on the north side of 3rd Avenue, closing the gap near Marble Street
  • Parking on the north side of 3rd Avenue east of Laurel St and on the south side west of Marble St
  • Striped crosswalks throughout the corridor and traffic-calming bump-outs at key intersections
  • New storm inlets and underground storm drain throughout the corridor
  • Reduced size of the 100-year floodplain and severity of nuisance flooding

***All proposed improvements are conceptual at this time and subject to engineering and funding constraints. Proposed improvements may vary during Phase 2: Design and Engineering.***

Preferred alternative cross section and plan view.

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