Broomfield Transit Study

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Find out more and share your thoughts about transit in Broomfield!

Transit, or buses, trains, or vans that are available to the public and used to get customers from point A to point B, both locally and regionally, is a key ingredient for creating an equitable and sustainable community. The City and County of Broomfield is conducting a study to identify ways to improve transit for Broomfield residents, commuters and visitors. Your input will be used to help guide recommendations for transit service improvements.

Project Overview

Broomfield continues to grow and change, and so do the mobility needs of its residents. A transit study is needed to help identify ways to improve transit access for all ages, abilities and incomes. By taking a close look at community demographics, travel patterns, planned developments and current transit services (like the Regional Transportation District (RTD) Flexride and bus routes and Broomfield Easy Ride), we will be able to understand current and future mobility needs and identify gaps in the current transit network. Using these findings and community input, the study will develop recommendations for how the City and County of Broomfield can work with transit providers to offer more convenient transit options.

Public Engagement

Share your thoughts by participating in the Broomfield Transit Study! Input will be gathered in two phases: at the beginning of the project to help develop recommendations and near the end of the project to get feedback on the draft recommendations.

Phase one engagement will begin this summer, employing a variety of methods through which community members can provide input, including a transit survey, engagement at popular summer events, a virtual open house and focus groups.

Phase two engagement is planned during Spring and Summer of 2025. During this phase, the project team will share how public engagement has shaped the plan, and community members will have an opportunity to provide input on the draft recommendations.

To share your thoughts, please:

Find out more and share your thoughts about transit in Broomfield!

Transit, or buses, trains, or vans that are available to the public and used to get customers from point A to point B, both locally and regionally, is a key ingredient for creating an equitable and sustainable community. The City and County of Broomfield is conducting a study to identify ways to improve transit for Broomfield residents, commuters and visitors. Your input will be used to help guide recommendations for transit service improvements.

Project Overview

Broomfield continues to grow and change, and so do the mobility needs of its residents. A transit study is needed to help identify ways to improve transit access for all ages, abilities and incomes. By taking a close look at community demographics, travel patterns, planned developments and current transit services (like the Regional Transportation District (RTD) Flexride and bus routes and Broomfield Easy Ride), we will be able to understand current and future mobility needs and identify gaps in the current transit network. Using these findings and community input, the study will develop recommendations for how the City and County of Broomfield can work with transit providers to offer more convenient transit options.

Public Engagement

Share your thoughts by participating in the Broomfield Transit Study! Input will be gathered in two phases: at the beginning of the project to help develop recommendations and near the end of the project to get feedback on the draft recommendations.

Phase one engagement will begin this summer, employing a variety of methods through which community members can provide input, including a transit survey, engagement at popular summer events, a virtual open house and focus groups.

Phase two engagement is planned during Spring and Summer of 2025. During this phase, the project team will share how public engagement has shaped the plan, and community members will have an opportunity to provide input on the draft recommendations.

To share your thoughts, please:

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Input Map for Broomfield Transit Study

4 months

Use this map to zoom in and drop pins in locations where you would like to travel by transit if more options were available. You can also provide input on where would like to see improvements to existing transit services. 

Page last updated: 11 Sep 2024, 10:16 PM