Impressions of the Broomfield Police
Take the survey below to share more about your experience, impressions and interactions with the Broomfield Police Department. The Broomfield Police Department (BPD) is conducting an ongoing engagement effort to listen to the community about interactions and experiences with the BPD, understand concerns and reservations with the department and explore ideas for improving services and programs moving forward.
Survey responses will help inform a more in-depth community listening tour in summer 2024. Ultimately, the Broomfield Police Department will use feedback from the survey and in-person listening sessions to learn how the community would like to engage with the department, which in turn, will be used to direct future engagement efforts, programs and services. For more information, visit BroomfieldVoice.com/PDListens.
The deadline for completing this survey is March 15, 2024.
NOTE: To file a complaint visit Broomfield.org/PoliceFeedback or call the non-emergency number, 303-438-6400, and ask to be transferred to the Standards Sergeant.