Food Forum

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Use the forum tool below to share your feedback and ideas about health inspections, regulatory concerns, accessibility of inspections, and more!

Project Overview

Broomfield Public Health and Environment’s (BPHE) retail food program staff want to hear from YOU, the retail food operators and workers in Broomfield! You play an integral role in protecting the health of the public and BPHE greatly values your thoughts and opinions. You may have participated in an in-person Food Forum in the past, but this year we are using Broomfield Voice to improve ease and accessibility of participation.

Project Goals

The goal of this online forum is to collect your feedback so BPHE can provide better resources and services to your business. BPHE’s retail food program staff want to support you and help local retail food businesses succeed!

Public Engagement

This forum is open from September 3-30. You can “like” or reply to other people’s comments and share your own comments. This feedback will be used to improve the retail food program's resources and services to help your business succeed.

Use the forum tool below to share your feedback and ideas about health inspections, regulatory concerns, accessibility of inspections, and more!

Project Overview

Broomfield Public Health and Environment’s (BPHE) retail food program staff want to hear from YOU, the retail food operators and workers in Broomfield! You play an integral role in protecting the health of the public and BPHE greatly values your thoughts and opinions. You may have participated in an in-person Food Forum in the past, but this year we are using Broomfield Voice to improve ease and accessibility of participation.

Project Goals

The goal of this online forum is to collect your feedback so BPHE can provide better resources and services to your business. BPHE’s retail food program staff want to support you and help local retail food businesses succeed!

Public Engagement

This forum is open from September 3-30. You can “like” or reply to other people’s comments and share your own comments. This feedback will be used to improve the retail food program's resources and services to help your business succeed.

  • The Food Forum is open!

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    The Food Forum is open from September 3-30! Share your feedback in the "forum" section. If you have questions about the Food Forum, submit them in the "questions" section.

Page last updated: 03 Sep 2024, 01:37 PM