Little Houses Project

Big news for the Little Houses project - four Little Houses are officially installed along the first phase of the ARTery! These four Little Houses will showcase:

  • Rotating art exhibits curated members of the Arts, History and Cultural Council
  • Rotating history exhibits curated by Broomfield Museum staff
  • Artifacts from Broomfield's Sister City, Ueda, Japan, curated by the Broomfield-Ueda Sister City program
  • Artifacts from Broomfield's Twin City, Broomfield, UK, curated by members of the village in Essex County

Photo of a little house covered in black and white photos of Broomfield at Highland Park

History Little House: Highland Park South by Loch Ness Ave.
Twin City: Broomfield, United Kingdom: Between Wolff St. and W 127th Ave.
Sister City: Ueda, Japan: 125th Avenue between Xavier St. and Wolff St.
Broomfield Little Art House: Willow Park near Vrain Street
Broomfield Depot Little House: Broomfield Depot Museum, 2201 W 10th Ave.

Concept drawing of a little house with suggested dimensions

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Thank you to everyone who participated in making Phase 1 of the ARTery a success! Community members can now enjoy sidewalk murals and little houses along the trail connecting The Field open space and Broomfield County Commons Park. For more information, visit

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