Wireless Communication Site at Broomfield United Methodist Church (Use by Special Review)

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The City Council approved a use by special review to permit a wireless communication site on December 7, 2021.

Project Summary: The City Council approved a use by special review to permit a wireless communication site on December 7, 2021.

Location: 545 West 10th Avenue (Broomfield United Methodist Church, Filing No. 1, Lot 1)

Project Type: Wireless Communications Facility - Use by Special Review (USR)

Project Description: The subject property is zoned R-1 (Low Density Residential District). The wireless communication facility is a 55-foot tall, 256 square-foot faux bell tower next to the east elevation of the existing Broomfield United Methodist Church building. The faux bell tower houses antennas and associated electrical equipment.

The faux bell tower is designed with colors and materials to match the existing church building. Per the Broomfield Municipal Code requirements, the tower will also be designed to be able to accommodate additional future antennas that would also be required to be screened inside the tower.

To view the full submittal please download the concept review packet within the document library.

Applicant: Nexius (AT&T Mobility)

Conformance with the Zoning and Compatibility with Surrounding Uses:

Per the Broomfield Municipal Code (BMC), Chapter 17-14 - Low-Density Residential District (R-1), a wireless communication facility is a permitted use, subject to special review. The maximum building height permitted within this zone district is 30 feet. Allowing for a 55-foot tall faux bell tower will require a permit for the 25-foot height increase for the wireless communication facility.

It is very common for churches to be constructed with bell towers. In this case, the wireless facility would be contained within a structure that would be designed to look like a bell tower, which would house antennas and other appurtenances inside the building. A casual observer may not notice that the bell tower is a wireless communication site due to its design and placement on the site.

The 2016 Comprehensive Plan, Section 10-B indicates that utilities, including telecommunications, contribute to creating quality-of-life places, attracting business, reducing the environmental footprint of urban development, and playing a vital role in social development making the proposed telecommunications facility a positive addition to the city.

Long Range Financial Plan:
The proposed use is consistent with the land use assumptions identified in the 2016 Comprehensive Plan and the Long Range Financial Plan. There is not an anticipated impact to the Long Range Financial Plan.

Potential Key Issues for Discussion:

  • The 55-foot tall faux bell tower exceeds the maximum building height permitted in the R-1 zone district (which is 30 feet).
  • The tower may be perceived as as being incompatible with the residential neighborhood.

Project Status:

Project Summary: The City Council approved a use by special review to permit a wireless communication site on December 7, 2021.

Location: 545 West 10th Avenue (Broomfield United Methodist Church, Filing No. 1, Lot 1)

Project Type: Wireless Communications Facility - Use by Special Review (USR)

Project Description: The subject property is zoned R-1 (Low Density Residential District). The wireless communication facility is a 55-foot tall, 256 square-foot faux bell tower next to the east elevation of the existing Broomfield United Methodist Church building. The faux bell tower houses antennas and associated electrical equipment.

The faux bell tower is designed with colors and materials to match the existing church building. Per the Broomfield Municipal Code requirements, the tower will also be designed to be able to accommodate additional future antennas that would also be required to be screened inside the tower.

To view the full submittal please download the concept review packet within the document library.

Applicant: Nexius (AT&T Mobility)

Conformance with the Zoning and Compatibility with Surrounding Uses:

Per the Broomfield Municipal Code (BMC), Chapter 17-14 - Low-Density Residential District (R-1), a wireless communication facility is a permitted use, subject to special review. The maximum building height permitted within this zone district is 30 feet. Allowing for a 55-foot tall faux bell tower will require a permit for the 25-foot height increase for the wireless communication facility.

It is very common for churches to be constructed with bell towers. In this case, the wireless facility would be contained within a structure that would be designed to look like a bell tower, which would house antennas and other appurtenances inside the building. A casual observer may not notice that the bell tower is a wireless communication site due to its design and placement on the site.

The 2016 Comprehensive Plan, Section 10-B indicates that utilities, including telecommunications, contribute to creating quality-of-life places, attracting business, reducing the environmental footprint of urban development, and playing a vital role in social development making the proposed telecommunications facility a positive addition to the city.

Long Range Financial Plan:
The proposed use is consistent with the land use assumptions identified in the 2016 Comprehensive Plan and the Long Range Financial Plan. There is not an anticipated impact to the Long Range Financial Plan.

Potential Key Issues for Discussion:

  • The 55-foot tall faux bell tower exceeds the maximum building height permitted in the R-1 zone district (which is 30 feet).
  • The tower may be perceived as as being incompatible with the residential neighborhood.

Project Status:

Discussions: All (1) Open (0)
  • Public Comment

    about 4 years ago
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