The Village Cooperative of Broomfield - Concept Review

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This project has completed its concept review. 

SunCap Conceptual Design

May 19, 2021 Update

The applicant held a neighborhood meeting on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, the applicant's presentation slides can be accessed here.

Location: 13690 Sheridan Blvd (Broomfield Retirement Residence Filing No. 1, Lot 2)

Project Type: Concept Review for a Cooperative Senior Living development

Applicant: Village Cooperative of Broomfield (Real Estate Equities Development, LLC

Project Description: The applicant has submitted a concept review application for a proposed 52 unit senior cooperative living project located at 13690 Sheridan Boulevard on an approximately 3.65 acre parcel of land. This parcel is Lot 2 of Broomfield Retirement Residence filing No. 1, and is located north of an existing assisted living facility.

The facility is proposed to be a three story building with both underground and surface parking. The site would draw access from the existing ingress/egress along Sheridan Boulevard, and is also currently proposing to provide an emergency access route on the north side of the site. This emergency access will be reviewed by North Metro Fire during the concept review process and during future formal development applications if the project moves forward.

This property is located north of the Highland Trail retirement community (located on the northeast corner of W 136th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard), west of the Chateaux at Fox Meadows development, south of Aspen Creek Filing No. 7, and east of Aspen Creek Filing No. 3.

To view the full submittal please download the concept review packet within the document library.

Consistency with Zoning and Comprehensive Plan:
The property is zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD), and is governed by the Broomfield Retirement Residence PUD Plan. The PUD Plan identifies assisted living facilities as the approved use for this lot. The applicant’s proposed development of a senior living cooperative community; which is a residential use, is not consistent with the PUD Plan and will require an amendment. In addition, the applicant is proposed a facility which will exceed the approved building height for this lot, and will require a height variance/amendment to the PUD Plan.

The project area is designated as Residential on the 2016 Broomfield Comprehensive Plan’s Land Use Map. The proposed cooperative community is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.

Public Land Dedication:
This lot was anticipated to be developed as an assisted living facility and this type of use does not require a public land dedication. The proposed amendment of this lot, with independent senior living units, will require satisfaction of Broomfield’s public land dedication (PLD) obligation.

Broomfield’s PLD policy requires the dedication of 24 acres of public land for every 1000 people generated by a residential development. Broomfield calculates a population generation of 1.75 people per senior residential unit. The applicant is proposing 52 senior residential units, which is anticipated to generate a total of 91 residents.

The PLD obligation for this proposed development is 2.18 acres. The applicant has not specified how PLD will be satisfied but it can include a combination of on site dedications and payment of cash-in-lieu at a rate of $56,000 per acre.

Inclusionary Housing Obligation:
Section 17-76 requires that any residential development containing twenty-five or more residential dwelling units to be marketed as "for sale" to the end user shall pay an inclusionary housing fee equal to 10% of the final unit count. The inclusionary housing fee shall be the greater of $50,000 per unit, or the difference between the estimated final sales price of a market rate unit and the final sales price of an affordable unit multiple by 0.67%.

The applicant has not provided anticipated sales prices for their units at this time, so staff cannot determine the actual inclusionary housing fee for the required equivalent of 5 units; however, it will be no less than $250,000 based upon the calculation methodology established in the municipal code.

Consistency with Long Range Financial Plan:
The proposed development is not consistent with the land use assumptions for this site that had been incorporated into the LRFP. The LRFP assumptions were based on this property developing for non-residential uses (assisted living facility). The applicant is proposing to add residential units to this project area, and as such will impact the LRFP. Specific impacts on the LRFP are not currently known, but there is the potential for a negative impact to the plan. Analysis will be completed as part of the technical review of this application and this analysis will be incorporated into the staff memorandum for Concept Review.

Anticipated Variances/Amendments

  • Amendment to PUD Plan to modify the allowed uses for this parcel to add residential in the form of independent senior living units
  • Variance for building height - the approved plans establish a building height of 30 feet, the applicant is proposing a 3 story building which will exceed 30 feet in height.

Potential Key Issues/Comments:

  • Possible neighborhood concerns - there is the potential for neighborhood concerns regarding the proposed use and the proposed building height.

  • Potential impacts to the Long Range Financial Plan (LRFP) - the land use assumptions for this site were for an assisted living facility which is typically seen as a commercial use (although these facilities are assessed as a residential use for property tax purposes) the applicant's proposed use is residential in nature and may impact the LRFP.

  • Inconsistency with Planned Unit Development Plan - the PUD anticipated this lot to be developed as an assisted living facility, the proposed development is a residential independent living facility and will require an amendment to the plan.

  • Public Land Dedication (PLD) - The PLD obligation for this proposed development is 2.18 acres. The applicant has not specified how PLD will be satisfied but it can include a combination of on site dedications and payment of cash-in-lieu at a rate of $56,000 per acre. As this project moves forward, proposed PLD will be reviewed by appropriate staff to ensure proposed dedications are of public value, and any land dedications will also be presented to OSTAC and PRAC for their review.

  • Inclusive Housing Obligation - the applicant has not provided a specific proposal to satisfy the inclusionary housing obligation for their project, they will be required to work with the Housing Advisory Committee moving forward on a project specific program to adequately satisfy their obligation.

May 19, 2021 Update

The applicant held a neighborhood meeting on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, the applicant's presentation slides can be accessed here.

Location: 13690 Sheridan Blvd (Broomfield Retirement Residence Filing No. 1, Lot 2)

Project Type: Concept Review for a Cooperative Senior Living development

Applicant: Village Cooperative of Broomfield (Real Estate Equities Development, LLC

Project Description: The applicant has submitted a concept review application for a proposed 52 unit senior cooperative living project located at 13690 Sheridan Boulevard on an approximately 3.65 acre parcel of land. This parcel is Lot 2 of Broomfield Retirement Residence filing No. 1, and is located north of an existing assisted living facility.

The facility is proposed to be a three story building with both underground and surface parking. The site would draw access from the existing ingress/egress along Sheridan Boulevard, and is also currently proposing to provide an emergency access route on the north side of the site. This emergency access will be reviewed by North Metro Fire during the concept review process and during future formal development applications if the project moves forward.

This property is located north of the Highland Trail retirement community (located on the northeast corner of W 136th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard), west of the Chateaux at Fox Meadows development, south of Aspen Creek Filing No. 7, and east of Aspen Creek Filing No. 3.

To view the full submittal please download the concept review packet within the document library.

Consistency with Zoning and Comprehensive Plan:
The property is zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD), and is governed by the Broomfield Retirement Residence PUD Plan. The PUD Plan identifies assisted living facilities as the approved use for this lot. The applicant’s proposed development of a senior living cooperative community; which is a residential use, is not consistent with the PUD Plan and will require an amendment. In addition, the applicant is proposed a facility which will exceed the approved building height for this lot, and will require a height variance/amendment to the PUD Plan.

The project area is designated as Residential on the 2016 Broomfield Comprehensive Plan’s Land Use Map. The proposed cooperative community is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.

Public Land Dedication:
This lot was anticipated to be developed as an assisted living facility and this type of use does not require a public land dedication. The proposed amendment of this lot, with independent senior living units, will require satisfaction of Broomfield’s public land dedication (PLD) obligation.

Broomfield’s PLD policy requires the dedication of 24 acres of public land for every 1000 people generated by a residential development. Broomfield calculates a population generation of 1.75 people per senior residential unit. The applicant is proposing 52 senior residential units, which is anticipated to generate a total of 91 residents.

The PLD obligation for this proposed development is 2.18 acres. The applicant has not specified how PLD will be satisfied but it can include a combination of on site dedications and payment of cash-in-lieu at a rate of $56,000 per acre.

Inclusionary Housing Obligation:
Section 17-76 requires that any residential development containing twenty-five or more residential dwelling units to be marketed as "for sale" to the end user shall pay an inclusionary housing fee equal to 10% of the final unit count. The inclusionary housing fee shall be the greater of $50,000 per unit, or the difference between the estimated final sales price of a market rate unit and the final sales price of an affordable unit multiple by 0.67%.

The applicant has not provided anticipated sales prices for their units at this time, so staff cannot determine the actual inclusionary housing fee for the required equivalent of 5 units; however, it will be no less than $250,000 based upon the calculation methodology established in the municipal code.

Consistency with Long Range Financial Plan:
The proposed development is not consistent with the land use assumptions for this site that had been incorporated into the LRFP. The LRFP assumptions were based on this property developing for non-residential uses (assisted living facility). The applicant is proposing to add residential units to this project area, and as such will impact the LRFP. Specific impacts on the LRFP are not currently known, but there is the potential for a negative impact to the plan. Analysis will be completed as part of the technical review of this application and this analysis will be incorporated into the staff memorandum for Concept Review.

Anticipated Variances/Amendments

  • Amendment to PUD Plan to modify the allowed uses for this parcel to add residential in the form of independent senior living units
  • Variance for building height - the approved plans establish a building height of 30 feet, the applicant is proposing a 3 story building which will exceed 30 feet in height.

Potential Key Issues/Comments:

  • Possible neighborhood concerns - there is the potential for neighborhood concerns regarding the proposed use and the proposed building height.

  • Potential impacts to the Long Range Financial Plan (LRFP) - the land use assumptions for this site were for an assisted living facility which is typically seen as a commercial use (although these facilities are assessed as a residential use for property tax purposes) the applicant's proposed use is residential in nature and may impact the LRFP.

  • Inconsistency with Planned Unit Development Plan - the PUD anticipated this lot to be developed as an assisted living facility, the proposed development is a residential independent living facility and will require an amendment to the plan.

  • Public Land Dedication (PLD) - The PLD obligation for this proposed development is 2.18 acres. The applicant has not specified how PLD will be satisfied but it can include a combination of on site dedications and payment of cash-in-lieu at a rate of $56,000 per acre. As this project moves forward, proposed PLD will be reviewed by appropriate staff to ensure proposed dedications are of public value, and any land dedications will also be presented to OSTAC and PRAC for their review.

  • Inclusive Housing Obligation - the applicant has not provided a specific proposal to satisfy the inclusionary housing obligation for their project, they will be required to work with the Housing Advisory Committee moving forward on a project specific program to adequately satisfy their obligation.

Discussions: All (1) Open (0)
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