Velo Interlocken

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This project has been approved by City Council on December 7, 2021. 

Site plan showing six buildings, parking and amenity spaces on a property.

Project Overview

The request is to to develop an empty property into 300 unit residential community. There will be six apartment style buildings. The site will feature parking areas, a clubhouse, and amenity spaces for residents. A detention pond is at the northeast corner. The site zoning is B-2 and is within the Twelve Thousand Wadsworth subdivision. If the project is approved, the land will be rezoned to Planned Unit Development (PUD).

Location: North of Interlocken Loop, South of US 36
Project Type: Proposed Multi-Family Residential Project
Applicant: Arlington Properties

City and County Staff Analysis

Neighborhood Compatibility: This proposed development is next to an established apartment building. The proposed plan is compatible with the existing uses in the area. Architecture is consistent with existing buildings in the Interlocken area.

Image of four-story building with neutral color scheme and stone accents. Building Elevations

Long Range Financial Plan: The area is currently Mixed-Use Commercial in the 2016 Comprehensive Plan. Mixed-Use Commercial parcels do allow residential properties though the PUD process. Though residential is allowed, the Long Range Financial Plan does expect some commercial aspect on the land. This proposal is not consistent with the assumptions in the Financial Plan.

Variances: The project has included three variances from the Broomfield Municipal Code

Setback Variance: The Interchange Influence Area (IIA) has a 30’ setback from all property lines. The applicant has requested a reduced setback of up to 12’ for parking to meet site constraints. Landscaping will screen the parking areas. Building setbacks will remain at 30’ as specified within the code. 

Fence Variance: The IIA states fencing must be brick, masonry, stone, architectural block or wrought iron. The applicant has requested other fencing materials such as wood, steel and aluminum. 

Preliminary Plat Variance: The applicant has requested a variance from the rule to provide a preliminary plat as part of the PUD Plan. The applicant has included a final plat,. This includes the information shown on a preliminary plat and as such another plat is not necessary

Potential Key Issues for Discussion:

  • Negative impact on the Long Range Financial Plan

Public Engagement

You can engage with this project using the Questions and Comments tabs below, by emailing or by providing comments at a public hearing. Following the review of the formal application, public hearings will be scheduled in accordance with the application review process timeline. Public notices will be sent to property owners within 1,000 feet of this project, sign(s) will be posted on the property and a notice will be published in the Broomfield Enterprise newspaper. Members of the public can attend the public hearings and provide in person comments if desired.

Project Overview

The request is to to develop an empty property into 300 unit residential community. There will be six apartment style buildings. The site will feature parking areas, a clubhouse, and amenity spaces for residents. A detention pond is at the northeast corner. The site zoning is B-2 and is within the Twelve Thousand Wadsworth subdivision. If the project is approved, the land will be rezoned to Planned Unit Development (PUD).

Location: North of Interlocken Loop, South of US 36
Project Type: Proposed Multi-Family Residential Project
Applicant: Arlington Properties

City and County Staff Analysis

Neighborhood Compatibility: This proposed development is next to an established apartment building. The proposed plan is compatible with the existing uses in the area. Architecture is consistent with existing buildings in the Interlocken area.

Image of four-story building with neutral color scheme and stone accents. Building Elevations

Long Range Financial Plan: The area is currently Mixed-Use Commercial in the 2016 Comprehensive Plan. Mixed-Use Commercial parcels do allow residential properties though the PUD process. Though residential is allowed, the Long Range Financial Plan does expect some commercial aspect on the land. This proposal is not consistent with the assumptions in the Financial Plan.

Variances: The project has included three variances from the Broomfield Municipal Code

Setback Variance: The Interchange Influence Area (IIA) has a 30’ setback from all property lines. The applicant has requested a reduced setback of up to 12’ for parking to meet site constraints. Landscaping will screen the parking areas. Building setbacks will remain at 30’ as specified within the code. 

Fence Variance: The IIA states fencing must be brick, masonry, stone, architectural block or wrought iron. The applicant has requested other fencing materials such as wood, steel and aluminum. 

Preliminary Plat Variance: The applicant has requested a variance from the rule to provide a preliminary plat as part of the PUD Plan. The applicant has included a final plat,. This includes the information shown on a preliminary plat and as such another plat is not necessary

Potential Key Issues for Discussion:

  • Negative impact on the Long Range Financial Plan

Public Engagement

You can engage with this project using the Questions and Comments tabs below, by emailing or by providing comments at a public hearing. Following the review of the formal application, public hearings will be scheduled in accordance with the application review process timeline. Public notices will be sent to property owners within 1,000 feet of this project, sign(s) will be posted on the property and a notice will be published in the Broomfield Enterprise newspaper. Members of the public can attend the public hearings and provide in person comments if desired.

Discussions: All (1) Open (0)
  • Public Comment

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