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Share your ideas about how this development application might be improved to better serve the community, leave comments that will be shared with City Council and/or ask questions about the proposal using the tabs below.
Project Overview
The owner of the property at 11961 Quay Street has submitted an application for a rezoning and an application for a Use by Special Review. The property is home to TLC Car Wash. The car wash is permitted by the C-1 (J) zone district; however, the storage of trailers is not. To bring the trailer storage use into compliance, the applicant is requesting to rezone from C-1 (J) to I-2, and has requested a Use by Special Review to allow the storage of eight equipment trailers, enclosed and screened by a fence as required by the Broomfield Municipal Code. No physical changes to the property are proposed beyond the installation of the new screening fence and gate for access.
Project Details
Applicant: TLC Carwash Location: 11961 Quay Street Project Type: Rezoning and Use by Special Review
City and County Staff Analysis
Zoning, Surrounding Uses and Comprehensive Plan: This property is zoned C-1(J) - a zone district that is a part of the legacy Jefferson County zoning code. Site Circulation, Parking and Multimodal Access: Vehicles and pedestrians access the site from Quay Street. The applicant has submitted a draft circulation plan that depicts how vehicles will enter and exit the property to access the equipment trailers. This circulation plan will be reviewed by Broomfield staff. Possible Key Issues: Staff has not identified any key issues at this time.
Public Engagement
All engagement will take place virtually. Public notices will be sent to property owners within 1,000 feet of this project prior to a public hearing.
You can continue to engage with this project using the Questions and Comments tabs below, or by emailing
The project timeline on this page provides an overview of the next steps in the development process.
Share your ideas about how this development application might be improved to better serve the community, leave comments that will be shared with City Council and/or ask questions about the proposal using the tabs below.
Project Overview
The owner of the property at 11961 Quay Street has submitted an application for a rezoning and an application for a Use by Special Review. The property is home to TLC Car Wash. The car wash is permitted by the C-1 (J) zone district; however, the storage of trailers is not. To bring the trailer storage use into compliance, the applicant is requesting to rezone from C-1 (J) to I-2, and has requested a Use by Special Review to allow the storage of eight equipment trailers, enclosed and screened by a fence as required by the Broomfield Municipal Code. No physical changes to the property are proposed beyond the installation of the new screening fence and gate for access.
Project Details
Applicant: TLC Carwash Location: 11961 Quay Street Project Type: Rezoning and Use by Special Review
City and County Staff Analysis
Zoning, Surrounding Uses and Comprehensive Plan: This property is zoned C-1(J) - a zone district that is a part of the legacy Jefferson County zoning code. Site Circulation, Parking and Multimodal Access: Vehicles and pedestrians access the site from Quay Street. The applicant has submitted a draft circulation plan that depicts how vehicles will enter and exit the property to access the equipment trailers. This circulation plan will be reviewed by Broomfield staff. Possible Key Issues: Staff has not identified any key issues at this time.
Public Engagement
All engagement will take place virtually. Public notices will be sent to property owners within 1,000 feet of this project prior to a public hearing.
You can continue to engage with this project using the Questions and Comments tabs below, or by emailing
The project timeline on this page provides an overview of the next steps in the development process.
Share your comments and ideas with the developer about how their development application might be improved to better serve the community. City and County of Broomfield staff may contribute in the discussion to provide clarity on what is/isn’t viable.
TLC Carwash Outdoor Storage has finished this stage
The applicant meets with the adjacent community to discuss a draft proposal and solicit public feedback on the request. Since neighborhood meetings occur prior to the submission of a formal application, this is a good time for community members to share comments with the developer prior to the formal development application to allow for possible changes to the site design.
Formal Review
TLC Carwash Outdoor Storage has finished this stage
The applicant submits the development plans to the City and County of Broomfield. City staff reviews the documents and refers them to other reviewing departments and agencies for feedback. The project may go through several rounds of review prior to the scheduling of public hearings.
Land Use Review Commission Hearing
TLC Carwash Outdoor Storage is currently at this stage
The applicant will present their plans to the Land Use Review Commission (LURC) at a public hearing. LURC will provide a recommendation of approval or denial to City Council.
City Council Hearing - 1st Reading of the Ordinance
this is an upcoming stage for TLC Carwash Outdoor Storage
Rezoning a property requires the adoption of an ordinance. Ordinances have two readings. The first reading of the ordinance is typically a consent item and does not require public notice. Council's approval of an ordinance on first reading is just approving publishing the ordinance and scheduling a public hearing. The rezoning is not approved or denied during the first reading.
City Council Hearing - 2nd Reading and Public Hearing
this is an upcoming stage for TLC Carwash Outdoor Storage
City Council will vote on formal approval or denial of the request.