Spallone II Office/Warehouse Building Concept Plan

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The concept review for Spallone II Office/Warehouse Building proposed at 7101 W. 119th Avenue has concluded. A development application has not been submitted at this time.

The front of the building is oriented to the north (or the bottom of the image), and is the entrance to the office

Project Overview

The City Council and Land Use Review Commission completed review of the concept plan. The proposed Spallone II Office/Warehouse facility will be approximately 9,800 square feet in size, and includes three (3) semi-trailer dock overhead doors, sixteen (16) on-site parking spaces along with landscaping and exterior lighting improvements. The proposed building will be comprised of approximately 6,800 sf of warehouse space and 3,000 sf of office space.

The proposed building's architecture will be in keeping with the architectural requirements set forth in the Vista Pointe PUD. The front of the building (facing W. 119th Avenue) will feature the single-story office, using stucco-like panels in almond color. The masonry wainscot on the front will be faux stone with a brown tone. 

City and County Staff Analysis

Conformance with the Zoning and Compatibility with Surrounding Uses
The subject site is located within the Original Broomfield Neighborhood Plan area, classifying this and the surrounding properties as "Office/Flex Light Industrial" for permissible land uses. This category encourages development of office, research facilities, light industrial, warehousing, and some limited commercial uses. In addition to the Neighborhood Plan, the proposal is also consistent with the Vista Pointe PUD plan.

It does not appear that there will be any necessary variances or PUD amendments at this stage of the proposal for the conceptual plan.

The proposed architecture is consistent with the existing commercial and industrial uses within this neighborhood. The proposed building is oriented facing south and provides pedestrian connections to the adjacent properties.

Long Range Financial Plan
This use is consistent with the land use assumptions of the Long Range Financial Plan. There is not an anticipated impact to Long Range Financial Plan.

Potential Key Issues for Discussion

  • The building materials and architectural style will need to be of a higher quality than what is shown in this conceptual plan to be in compliance with the Vista Pointe PUD. 
  • Screening materials, other than a chain link fence for the outdoor storage area, meeting the requirements of the Vista Pointe PUD will be required. 
  • Roll up doors face north onto a public street without screening. Architectural enhancement through the use of recesses or other permanent screening should be included similar to previous approvals in Vista Pointe.
  • Screening will be necessary for roof-top equipment similar to what has been included on other buildings in Vista Pointe.

Public Engagement

You can engage with this project using the Questions and Comments tabs below, by emailing or by providing comments at a public hearing. Following the review of the formal application, public hearings will be scheduled in accordance with the application review process timeline. Public notices will be sent to property owners within 1,000 feet of this project, sign(s) will be posted on the property and a notice will be published in the Broomfield Enterprise newspaper. Members of the public can attend the public hearings and provide in person comments if desired.

Project Overview

The City Council and Land Use Review Commission completed review of the concept plan. The proposed Spallone II Office/Warehouse facility will be approximately 9,800 square feet in size, and includes three (3) semi-trailer dock overhead doors, sixteen (16) on-site parking spaces along with landscaping and exterior lighting improvements. The proposed building will be comprised of approximately 6,800 sf of warehouse space and 3,000 sf of office space.

The proposed building's architecture will be in keeping with the architectural requirements set forth in the Vista Pointe PUD. The front of the building (facing W. 119th Avenue) will feature the single-story office, using stucco-like panels in almond color. The masonry wainscot on the front will be faux stone with a brown tone. 

City and County Staff Analysis

Conformance with the Zoning and Compatibility with Surrounding Uses
The subject site is located within the Original Broomfield Neighborhood Plan area, classifying this and the surrounding properties as "Office/Flex Light Industrial" for permissible land uses. This category encourages development of office, research facilities, light industrial, warehousing, and some limited commercial uses. In addition to the Neighborhood Plan, the proposal is also consistent with the Vista Pointe PUD plan.

It does not appear that there will be any necessary variances or PUD amendments at this stage of the proposal for the conceptual plan.

The proposed architecture is consistent with the existing commercial and industrial uses within this neighborhood. The proposed building is oriented facing south and provides pedestrian connections to the adjacent properties.

Long Range Financial Plan
This use is consistent with the land use assumptions of the Long Range Financial Plan. There is not an anticipated impact to Long Range Financial Plan.

Potential Key Issues for Discussion

  • The building materials and architectural style will need to be of a higher quality than what is shown in this conceptual plan to be in compliance with the Vista Pointe PUD. 
  • Screening materials, other than a chain link fence for the outdoor storage area, meeting the requirements of the Vista Pointe PUD will be required. 
  • Roll up doors face north onto a public street without screening. Architectural enhancement through the use of recesses or other permanent screening should be included similar to previous approvals in Vista Pointe.
  • Screening will be necessary for roof-top equipment similar to what has been included on other buildings in Vista Pointe.

Public Engagement

You can engage with this project using the Questions and Comments tabs below, by emailing or by providing comments at a public hearing. Following the review of the formal application, public hearings will be scheduled in accordance with the application review process timeline. Public notices will be sent to property owners within 1,000 feet of this project, sign(s) will be posted on the property and a notice will be published in the Broomfield Enterprise newspaper. Members of the public can attend the public hearings and provide in person comments if desired.

Discussions: All (1) Open (0)
  • Public Comment

    over 4 years ago
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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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    Thank you for your interest in this development application that has been submitted to the City and County of Broomfield. 

    You can submit public comment for this project by clicking on the link below.

    If you would prefer to provide your written comments directly to the case planner, please send an email to the individual identified under "Who's Listening."

    Note that the last day to submit comments regarding this concept plan is November 11, 2020.