Sill TerHar Showroom

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This subject proposal has been approved. 

Project Overview

The proposal is to demolish the existing showroom at the Sill-TerHar Mazda dealership and construct a new showroom at the eastern side of the site. The proposed showroom will be approximately 9,000 square feet and will be located adjacent to the service bays which will remain on the site. The proposed site plan includes a redesign of the on site parking including the addition of landscaping within the parking areas.

Location: 1480 W 1st Ave

Project Type: Showroom Replacement

Applicant: Greg Larson, Sill TerHar

City and County Staff Analysis

Conformance with the Zoning and Compatibility with Surrounding Uses:
The proposal is compatible with surrounding uses.Three variances have been requested with the subject proposal:

  • Setback - The applicant has requested a variance to reduce the setback along the northern property line from 25’ as specified within the BMC to 13’. The existing buildings on site currently do not meet the 25’ setback and the replacement building will be consistent with what is currently existing on the property.
  • Landscape Buffer - The BMC has established a requirement for a 10’ landscape buffer adjacent to all public right-of-way for B-2 zoned properties. The current property does not meet this requirement and in coordination with staff, it has been determined that providing additional pedestrian facilities at the site is more valuable to the success of the community than providing a landscape buffer. Landscaping through the site has been increased with the subject proposal.
  • Parking Lot Screening - The BMC specifies that parking areas excess of 50 spaces shall utilize a landscape berm or wall to provide screening of the parking area. The existing parking area does not feature a screen wall or berm and the applicant has worked with staff to incorporate additional landscaping throughout the site.

Long Range Financial Plan: Consistent with land use assumptions. No anticipated impact to Long Range Financial Plan.

Public Engagement

You can engage with this project using the Questions and Comments tabs below, by emailing link) or by providing comments at a public hearing. Following the review of the formal application, public hearings will be scheduled in accordance with the application review process timeline. Public notices will be sent to property owners within 1,000 feet of this project, sign(s) will be posted on the property and a notice will be published in the Broomfield Enterprise newspaper. Members of the public can attend the public hearings and provide in person comments if desired.

Project Overview

The proposal is to demolish the existing showroom at the Sill-TerHar Mazda dealership and construct a new showroom at the eastern side of the site. The proposed showroom will be approximately 9,000 square feet and will be located adjacent to the service bays which will remain on the site. The proposed site plan includes a redesign of the on site parking including the addition of landscaping within the parking areas.

Location: 1480 W 1st Ave

Project Type: Showroom Replacement

Applicant: Greg Larson, Sill TerHar

City and County Staff Analysis

Conformance with the Zoning and Compatibility with Surrounding Uses:
The proposal is compatible with surrounding uses.Three variances have been requested with the subject proposal:

  • Setback - The applicant has requested a variance to reduce the setback along the northern property line from 25’ as specified within the BMC to 13’. The existing buildings on site currently do not meet the 25’ setback and the replacement building will be consistent with what is currently existing on the property.
  • Landscape Buffer - The BMC has established a requirement for a 10’ landscape buffer adjacent to all public right-of-way for B-2 zoned properties. The current property does not meet this requirement and in coordination with staff, it has been determined that providing additional pedestrian facilities at the site is more valuable to the success of the community than providing a landscape buffer. Landscaping through the site has been increased with the subject proposal.
  • Parking Lot Screening - The BMC specifies that parking areas excess of 50 spaces shall utilize a landscape berm or wall to provide screening of the parking area. The existing parking area does not feature a screen wall or berm and the applicant has worked with staff to incorporate additional landscaping throughout the site.

Long Range Financial Plan: Consistent with land use assumptions. No anticipated impact to Long Range Financial Plan.

Public Engagement

You can engage with this project using the Questions and Comments tabs below, by emailing link) or by providing comments at a public hearing. Following the review of the formal application, public hearings will be scheduled in accordance with the application review process timeline. Public notices will be sent to property owners within 1,000 feet of this project, sign(s) will be posted on the property and a notice will be published in the Broomfield Enterprise newspaper. Members of the public can attend the public hearings and provide in person comments if desired.

Discussions: All (1) Open (0)
  • Public Comment

    over 4 years ago
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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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    Thank you for your interest in this development application that has been submitted to the City and County of Broomfield.

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