Service Street - Lambertson Farms

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This project was approved by City Council on October 25, 2022

Rendering of north elevation of proposed building using neutral color schemes with a red accent wall.

Project Overview

The application is for a Site Development Plan/ PUD Amendment to develop a one story 4,554 square foot automotive service center with 8 service bays and 27 parking spaces. The current site is vacant, and is located adjacent to the Montessori Academy to the north and Advance Auto Parts store to the south.

Service Street will provide auto repair services ranging from brake repair, emissions, tire service, diagnostics, and more. Automotive services will be contained within the newly proposed building, which will help mitigate future potential noise from the business. Hours of operation will be Monday through Saturday, from 7:00am-7:00pm. Lighting will also be directed to the interior of the property, and will be full cut-off and shielded.

Location: 13735 Huron St.
Project Type: Service Street Automotive
Applicant: SimonCRE R2D2 LLC

City and County Staff Analysis

Architecture: The overall building design is intended to have 360-degree architecture that meets the Lambertson Farms PUD architectural requirements. The design will feature a stone base with neutral tones, intended to mimic an Art Deco style. The site will be screened to the north with a CMU fence and landscaping, which will create additional separation between the Hope Montessori School and the proposed automotive service. Existing plants within the 50' landscape buffer/berm to the east will be maintained.

The Montessori Academy to the north has a 7 foot wrought iron fence in place that encloses the play area to the south of the building, as well as existing landscaping across the length of the entire southern property line, which separates the two lots.

Overhead view of proposed site plan showing building located centrally on the site with parking to the east and west

Land Use: The Lambertson Farms PUD does not list automotive service centers as an allowable use for the subject parcel, and therefore it is not a permitted use. The applicant is submitting a PUD Amendment to have the potential use considered for the area.

Surrounding Uses: The proposed building will be separated approximately 71 feet from the Montessori Academy building to the north. Additionally, the Lambertson Farms Filing No. 4 Site Development Plan requires a 5 foot building setback on the northern Property line for the proposed automotive service center, which will be used for a dense screen plantings.

Key Issues:

- Potential Noise and Light Pollution for the Montessori School and residential homes to the North.

- A PUD Amendment will be required to allow for an Automotive Service Center in the Lambertson Farms PUD Area.

- The applicant will need to request a variance to allow for reduced parking

Public Engagement

You can engage with this project using the Questions and Comments tabs below, by emailing or by providing comments at a public hearing. Following the review of the formal application, public hearings will be scheduled in accordance with the application review process timeline. Public notices will be sent to property owners within 1,000 feet of this project, sign(s) will be posted on the property and a notice will be published in the Broomfield Enterprise newspaper. Members of the public can attend the public hearings and provide in person comments if desired.

Project Overview

The application is for a Site Development Plan/ PUD Amendment to develop a one story 4,554 square foot automotive service center with 8 service bays and 27 parking spaces. The current site is vacant, and is located adjacent to the Montessori Academy to the north and Advance Auto Parts store to the south.

Service Street will provide auto repair services ranging from brake repair, emissions, tire service, diagnostics, and more. Automotive services will be contained within the newly proposed building, which will help mitigate future potential noise from the business. Hours of operation will be Monday through Saturday, from 7:00am-7:00pm. Lighting will also be directed to the interior of the property, and will be full cut-off and shielded.

Location: 13735 Huron St.
Project Type: Service Street Automotive
Applicant: SimonCRE R2D2 LLC

City and County Staff Analysis

Architecture: The overall building design is intended to have 360-degree architecture that meets the Lambertson Farms PUD architectural requirements. The design will feature a stone base with neutral tones, intended to mimic an Art Deco style. The site will be screened to the north with a CMU fence and landscaping, which will create additional separation between the Hope Montessori School and the proposed automotive service. Existing plants within the 50' landscape buffer/berm to the east will be maintained.

The Montessori Academy to the north has a 7 foot wrought iron fence in place that encloses the play area to the south of the building, as well as existing landscaping across the length of the entire southern property line, which separates the two lots.

Overhead view of proposed site plan showing building located centrally on the site with parking to the east and west

Land Use: The Lambertson Farms PUD does not list automotive service centers as an allowable use for the subject parcel, and therefore it is not a permitted use. The applicant is submitting a PUD Amendment to have the potential use considered for the area.

Surrounding Uses: The proposed building will be separated approximately 71 feet from the Montessori Academy building to the north. Additionally, the Lambertson Farms Filing No. 4 Site Development Plan requires a 5 foot building setback on the northern Property line for the proposed automotive service center, which will be used for a dense screen plantings.

Key Issues:

- Potential Noise and Light Pollution for the Montessori School and residential homes to the North.

- A PUD Amendment will be required to allow for an Automotive Service Center in the Lambertson Farms PUD Area.

- The applicant will need to request a variance to allow for reduced parking

Public Engagement

You can engage with this project using the Questions and Comments tabs below, by emailing or by providing comments at a public hearing. Following the review of the formal application, public hearings will be scheduled in accordance with the application review process timeline. Public notices will be sent to property owners within 1,000 feet of this project, sign(s) will be posted on the property and a notice will be published in the Broomfield Enterprise newspaper. Members of the public can attend the public hearings and provide in person comments if desired.

Discussions: All (1) Open (0)
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    Thank you for your interest in this concept application that has been submitted to the City and County of Broomfield.

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