Broomfield Self-Storage - Truck Rental Business

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Site plan showing one commercial building to left (north) and a mixed use parcel to right (south)

This is a new application for a use by special review permit request. Share your ideas about how this development application might be improved to better serve the community, leave comments that will be shared with City Council and/or ask questions about the proposal using the tabs at the bottom of this page.

Project Overview

The property owner is requesting a use-by-special review (USR) permit for their Limited Industrial (I-1) zoned property. If approved the USR request would allow for the operation of a truck rental business limited to 12 vehicles. The I-1 zone district allows for a vehicle rental facility provided a use-by-special review permit has been approved.

Hours of operation are proposed to be Tuesday - Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. The renter will either pick up a rental truck on the day reserved or drop off a truck on the day they have scheduled to return the vehicle. On a given day, the maximum number of trucks to be stored on the site will be 12.

Project Details

Acreage: 1.00 acres

Applicant: Brandon Luthye/Broomfield Self-Storage, LLC
Location: 7101 W. 117th Avenue
Project Type: Use by Special Review Permit Request

City and County Staff Analysis

Zoning, Surrounding Uses, and Comprehensive Plan: The zoning is Limited Industrial (I-1). Surrounding uses include a construction materials storage yard to the north, a construction materials office and related uses to the east, and an industrial flex building to the west. Rental vehicle businesses are permitted in the I-1 zoned district subject to the approval of a use-by-special review permit. The truck inventory must be screened. The area is characterized by light industrial uses with offices and outdoor storage. Outdoor storage is subject to screening per the Broomfield Municipal Code. The Comprehensive Plan land use designation is "Industrial."

The proposed truck rental business is a use that is consistent with the intent of the I-1 zone district.

Original Broomfield Urban Renewal Plan

The site is subject to the Original Broomfield Urban Renewal Plan which discusses the neighborhood plan and the need to help preserve office/flex light industrial uses. Since the property was improved in 1975, which is prior to when this urban renewal plan was adopted in 2013, an urban renewal site plan is not required as a part of the use by special review request.

Original Broomfield Neighborhood Plan

The Original Broomfield Neighborhood Plan identifies this area as being located within Planning Area 1. The majority of the properties serve as light industrial uses. The plan further designates the property as being “Office/Flex Light Industrial.” This designation is intended for office, research and development, light industrial, warehousing, and some limited commercial uses. The plan restricts equipment rental and sales by prohibiting outdoor storage of rental equipment and vehicles.

Site Circulation, Parking, and Multimodal Access: The site is accessed via W. 117th Ave through a mechanical gate. Limited parking for customers is provided to the south of the self-storage buildings. Sidewalks run parallel to W. 117th Ave, providing pedestrian connections to the businesses along that road.

Public Land Dedication: Public land dedication is not required with a USR permit request.

Possible Key Issues: Staff has not identified the following key issue:

  • The Original Broomfield Neighborhood Plan identifies this area as “Office Flex/Light Industrial” and permits equipment rental and sales provided that outdoor storage of equipment or vehicles shall not be allowed. The BMC Chapter 17-24 allows a truck rental facility subject to approval of a USR and provided that the rental facility is fully screened. The applicant has agreed to this provision and will screen the stored trucks per the requirements of the Broomfield Municipal Code, Chapter 17-32-140. Additionally, rental trucks that are pending pickup during business hours will be parked outside of the “No Parking” areas that will be designated through signs along W. 117th Ave and Teller Street.

Public Engagement

You can engage with this project using the Questions and Comments tabs below, or by emailing With a Use by Special Review request notices of the hearing(s) will be posted on the property. Public notices will be sent to property owners within 1,000 feet of this project.

During public meetings before the Land Use Review Commission and City Council, there will be an opportunity to provide feedback about the proposal.

This is a new application for a use by special review permit request. Share your ideas about how this development application might be improved to better serve the community, leave comments that will be shared with City Council and/or ask questions about the proposal using the tabs at the bottom of this page.

Project Overview

The property owner is requesting a use-by-special review (USR) permit for their Limited Industrial (I-1) zoned property. If approved the USR request would allow for the operation of a truck rental business limited to 12 vehicles. The I-1 zone district allows for a vehicle rental facility provided a use-by-special review permit has been approved.

Hours of operation are proposed to be Tuesday - Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. The renter will either pick up a rental truck on the day reserved or drop off a truck on the day they have scheduled to return the vehicle. On a given day, the maximum number of trucks to be stored on the site will be 12.

Project Details

Acreage: 1.00 acres

Applicant: Brandon Luthye/Broomfield Self-Storage, LLC
Location: 7101 W. 117th Avenue
Project Type: Use by Special Review Permit Request

City and County Staff Analysis

Zoning, Surrounding Uses, and Comprehensive Plan: The zoning is Limited Industrial (I-1). Surrounding uses include a construction materials storage yard to the north, a construction materials office and related uses to the east, and an industrial flex building to the west. Rental vehicle businesses are permitted in the I-1 zoned district subject to the approval of a use-by-special review permit. The truck inventory must be screened. The area is characterized by light industrial uses with offices and outdoor storage. Outdoor storage is subject to screening per the Broomfield Municipal Code. The Comprehensive Plan land use designation is "Industrial."

The proposed truck rental business is a use that is consistent with the intent of the I-1 zone district.

Original Broomfield Urban Renewal Plan

The site is subject to the Original Broomfield Urban Renewal Plan which discusses the neighborhood plan and the need to help preserve office/flex light industrial uses. Since the property was improved in 1975, which is prior to when this urban renewal plan was adopted in 2013, an urban renewal site plan is not required as a part of the use by special review request.

Original Broomfield Neighborhood Plan

The Original Broomfield Neighborhood Plan identifies this area as being located within Planning Area 1. The majority of the properties serve as light industrial uses. The plan further designates the property as being “Office/Flex Light Industrial.” This designation is intended for office, research and development, light industrial, warehousing, and some limited commercial uses. The plan restricts equipment rental and sales by prohibiting outdoor storage of rental equipment and vehicles.

Site Circulation, Parking, and Multimodal Access: The site is accessed via W. 117th Ave through a mechanical gate. Limited parking for customers is provided to the south of the self-storage buildings. Sidewalks run parallel to W. 117th Ave, providing pedestrian connections to the businesses along that road.

Public Land Dedication: Public land dedication is not required with a USR permit request.

Possible Key Issues: Staff has not identified the following key issue:

  • The Original Broomfield Neighborhood Plan identifies this area as “Office Flex/Light Industrial” and permits equipment rental and sales provided that outdoor storage of equipment or vehicles shall not be allowed. The BMC Chapter 17-24 allows a truck rental facility subject to approval of a USR and provided that the rental facility is fully screened. The applicant has agreed to this provision and will screen the stored trucks per the requirements of the Broomfield Municipal Code, Chapter 17-32-140. Additionally, rental trucks that are pending pickup during business hours will be parked outside of the “No Parking” areas that will be designated through signs along W. 117th Ave and Teller Street.

Public Engagement

You can engage with this project using the Questions and Comments tabs below, or by emailing With a Use by Special Review request notices of the hearing(s) will be posted on the property. Public notices will be sent to property owners within 1,000 feet of this project.

During public meetings before the Land Use Review Commission and City Council, there will be an opportunity to provide feedback about the proposal.

Discussions: All (1) Open (1)
  • Public Comment

    6 months ago
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    Share your comments and ideas with the developer about how their development application might be improved to better serve the community. City and County of Broomfield staff may contribute in the discussion to provide clarity on what is/isn’t viable.

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Page last updated: 01 Jul 2024, 01:34 PM