Rezoning Wottge Open Space

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City Council approved the rezoning of the Wottge Open Space parcel from Planned Unit Development (PUD) to Open Space (OS) on July 30, 2024.


A large, vacant grassy field with a housing development in the background and a road on the left border.

Project Summary

City Council approved the City and County of Broomfield's proposal to rezone the Wottge Open Space parcel from Planned Unit Development (PUD) to Open Space (OS) on July 30, 2024. The rezoning is intended to align the uses permitted on the site with those uses allowed in the new Open Space zone district. The Wottge property is an approximately 66-acre area that is currently farmed. The Wottge Open Space Plan was recently completed. The plan, as shown below, includes trails, native landscaping, signs, and seating areas for public use. There are no changes proposed to the recently approved Wottge Open Space Plan. For more information on this approved Wottge Open Space Plan, please visit the Broomfield Voice project page.

Background on the Open Space District

City Council approved the new Open Space zone district on December 5, 2023. The Open Space and Trails Advisory Committee also vetted the details of the Open Space Zone District. The rezoning of this property will help with transparency in zoning for current and future residents. Planned Unit Development zone districts are customizable and each PUD has unique allowed uses and development standards. By rezoning the property to the PROL district the public will more easily be able to find the allowable uses on these city-owned properties and understand the development requirements such as allowed building height and setbacks. This rezoning to OS will also help to clarify the development process for city-owned property.

 A map showing the boundary of the Wottge property and surrounding landmarks. Within the Wottge property boundary, the map shows the locations of trails, benches, fencing, and vegetation.

Project Details

Applicant: City and County of Broomfield
Location: 12790 Dillon Rd - Southwest corner of Dillon Rd and Sheridan Boulevard
Project Type: Rezoning

City and County Staff Analysis

Zoning, Surrounding Uses and Comprehensive Plan: The purpose of this rezoning is to align the property's zoning with the Open Space use of the site as established in the Wottge Open Space Plan. The current PUD zoning permits a range of uses that are not consistent with an open space property. Rezoning the parcel to the OS district will limit the permitted uses as outlined in section 17-07.1 of the Broomfield Municipal Code . The approved Wottge Open Space Plan will continue to define the specific uses allowed on this site. These uses are consistent with the OS district.

Landscaping, Open Lands, Parks and Trail Amenities: Using funding from the Open Space and Parks Sales and Use Tax to buy the Wottge Open space ensures the land will remain as open space. The Open Space protection provisions of the Broomfield Charter Section 18.3 will continue to be applicable. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the goals of the 2005 Open Space and Trails Master Plan.

Possible Key Issues: Currently, there are no key issues identified.

Public Engagement Summary

Six comments were received in the public comment forum for this proposal. 

Project Summary

City Council approved the City and County of Broomfield's proposal to rezone the Wottge Open Space parcel from Planned Unit Development (PUD) to Open Space (OS) on July 30, 2024. The rezoning is intended to align the uses permitted on the site with those uses allowed in the new Open Space zone district. The Wottge property is an approximately 66-acre area that is currently farmed. The Wottge Open Space Plan was recently completed. The plan, as shown below, includes trails, native landscaping, signs, and seating areas for public use. There are no changes proposed to the recently approved Wottge Open Space Plan. For more information on this approved Wottge Open Space Plan, please visit the Broomfield Voice project page.

Background on the Open Space District

City Council approved the new Open Space zone district on December 5, 2023. The Open Space and Trails Advisory Committee also vetted the details of the Open Space Zone District. The rezoning of this property will help with transparency in zoning for current and future residents. Planned Unit Development zone districts are customizable and each PUD has unique allowed uses and development standards. By rezoning the property to the PROL district the public will more easily be able to find the allowable uses on these city-owned properties and understand the development requirements such as allowed building height and setbacks. This rezoning to OS will also help to clarify the development process for city-owned property.

 A map showing the boundary of the Wottge property and surrounding landmarks. Within the Wottge property boundary, the map shows the locations of trails, benches, fencing, and vegetation.

Project Details

Applicant: City and County of Broomfield
Location: 12790 Dillon Rd - Southwest corner of Dillon Rd and Sheridan Boulevard
Project Type: Rezoning

City and County Staff Analysis

Zoning, Surrounding Uses and Comprehensive Plan: The purpose of this rezoning is to align the property's zoning with the Open Space use of the site as established in the Wottge Open Space Plan. The current PUD zoning permits a range of uses that are not consistent with an open space property. Rezoning the parcel to the OS district will limit the permitted uses as outlined in section 17-07.1 of the Broomfield Municipal Code . The approved Wottge Open Space Plan will continue to define the specific uses allowed on this site. These uses are consistent with the OS district.

Landscaping, Open Lands, Parks and Trail Amenities: Using funding from the Open Space and Parks Sales and Use Tax to buy the Wottge Open space ensures the land will remain as open space. The Open Space protection provisions of the Broomfield Charter Section 18.3 will continue to be applicable. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the goals of the 2005 Open Space and Trails Master Plan.

Possible Key Issues: Currently, there are no key issues identified.

Public Engagement Summary

Six comments were received in the public comment forum for this proposal. 

Discussions: All (1) Open (0)
  • Public Comment

    7 months ago
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    Share your comments and ideas about how the rezoning application might be improved to better serve the community. City and County of Broomfield staff may contribute in the discussion to provide clarity on what is/isn’t viable.