Permit Parking Ordinance

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This ordinance has been approved by City Council.


Section 10-06 of the Broomfield Municipal Code currently provides specific direction on which blocks within the City and County are permitted to request permit-only parking designations and during what days and times this designation may be enforced. The code specifies that only residents within one-quarter mile of the closest property line of an elementary school, junior high school, middle school, or high school may request permit-only parking restrictions for their block. Currently, permit-only parking areas have been requested by residents and approved within several blocks adjacent to Broomfield High School, Prospect Ridge Academy and Emerald Elementary.

The City and County of Broomfield has recently approved the Broomfield Town Square Planned Unit Development Plan on September 12, 2022 and planning staff is currently reviewing the site development plan for the first phase of the Broomfield Town Square development. The Broomfield Town Square is a mixed-use town center with residential, commercial/retail and recreational facilities. As part of the development process for the Town Square proposal, neighborhood outreach has been conducted to request feedback on the proposal. One concern highlighted by nearby residents, specifically residents located within the Broomfield Heights subdivision, was the possibility of town square visitors utilizing residential streets to park and walk over to the site, leaving little street parking available for residents.

Proposed Ordinance - Location and Enforcement Hours

The proposed ordinance would update this section of the BMC to allow residents located on a block within one-quarter mile of the west edge of Main Street between East 1st Avenue and W 3rd Avenue Drive, west of the Broomfield Town Square subdivision to request permit-only parking. This area has been highlighted on the map on the right side of this page.

The ordinance also includes a proposal to remove the specific date and time designations from section of 10-06 of the Broomfield Municipal Code, allowing for the Traffic Engineer to work with local residents and create internal policy related to the date and times where permit-only parking will be most effective. The City and County Traffic Engineer will prepare an exhibit of the permit-only parking areas with day and time restrictions to be posted on the Broomfield Website and provided to the Broomfield Police Department for enforcement.

Guest Permits

Currently, the code specifies that temporary permits may be requested for registered contractors who are doing work on a home located within a permit-only parking block. The contractor and associated employees may obtain temporary permits for their vehicles for the duration of the construction.

The subject ordinance has proposed amending section 10-06 of the code to allow for residents of a permit-only block to request guest permits for up to one week to be used by friends or family who may be visiting the residence. These guest permits would be reviewed by the City Traffic Engineer and may be renewed as necessary. As drafted, the ordinance does not provide a limit on the number of the guest permits to allow for the greatest flexibility for residents within the area.

Public Engagement

This page reflects the anticipated discussion to be shared with City Council as part of the proposed Ordinance during possible first and second readings. This platform allows for feedback on the proposed updates to the code, and community engagement is encouraged. Comments received will be gathered and summarized to provide feedback as part of the public hearing process.


Section 10-06 of the Broomfield Municipal Code currently provides specific direction on which blocks within the City and County are permitted to request permit-only parking designations and during what days and times this designation may be enforced. The code specifies that only residents within one-quarter mile of the closest property line of an elementary school, junior high school, middle school, or high school may request permit-only parking restrictions for their block. Currently, permit-only parking areas have been requested by residents and approved within several blocks adjacent to Broomfield High School, Prospect Ridge Academy and Emerald Elementary.

The City and County of Broomfield has recently approved the Broomfield Town Square Planned Unit Development Plan on September 12, 2022 and planning staff is currently reviewing the site development plan for the first phase of the Broomfield Town Square development. The Broomfield Town Square is a mixed-use town center with residential, commercial/retail and recreational facilities. As part of the development process for the Town Square proposal, neighborhood outreach has been conducted to request feedback on the proposal. One concern highlighted by nearby residents, specifically residents located within the Broomfield Heights subdivision, was the possibility of town square visitors utilizing residential streets to park and walk over to the site, leaving little street parking available for residents.

Proposed Ordinance - Location and Enforcement Hours

The proposed ordinance would update this section of the BMC to allow residents located on a block within one-quarter mile of the west edge of Main Street between East 1st Avenue and W 3rd Avenue Drive, west of the Broomfield Town Square subdivision to request permit-only parking. This area has been highlighted on the map on the right side of this page.

The ordinance also includes a proposal to remove the specific date and time designations from section of 10-06 of the Broomfield Municipal Code, allowing for the Traffic Engineer to work with local residents and create internal policy related to the date and times where permit-only parking will be most effective. The City and County Traffic Engineer will prepare an exhibit of the permit-only parking areas with day and time restrictions to be posted on the Broomfield Website and provided to the Broomfield Police Department for enforcement.

Guest Permits

Currently, the code specifies that temporary permits may be requested for registered contractors who are doing work on a home located within a permit-only parking block. The contractor and associated employees may obtain temporary permits for their vehicles for the duration of the construction.

The subject ordinance has proposed amending section 10-06 of the code to allow for residents of a permit-only block to request guest permits for up to one week to be used by friends or family who may be visiting the residence. These guest permits would be reviewed by the City Traffic Engineer and may be renewed as necessary. As drafted, the ordinance does not provide a limit on the number of the guest permits to allow for the greatest flexibility for residents within the area.

Public Engagement

This page reflects the anticipated discussion to be shared with City Council as part of the proposed Ordinance during possible first and second readings. This platform allows for feedback on the proposed updates to the code, and community engagement is encouraged. Comments received will be gathered and summarized to provide feedback as part of the public hearing process.

Discussions: All (1) Open (0)
  • Public Comment

    over 2 years ago
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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Thank you for your interest in proposed Ordinance. As part of the public engagement for this proposed ordinance we welcome any feedback you may have.

    You can submit comments regarding this ordinance by clicking the link below.

    If you would prefer to provide your comments directly to the case planner, please send an email to the individual identified under "who's listening."

    Comments received prior to 5:00 pm the day before the hearing date(s) listed in 'Key Dates' above will be provided to the City Council