Summer Public Listening Sessions
Thank you to everyone who participated in the public community listening sessions! The BPD hosted community listening sessions at the Broomfield Community Center on June 12 and July 10. These sessions were open to the public and participants received a light dinner, door prizes and childcare. Participants engaged in two activities: a poster activity and small group discussions. In each activity, they answered question prompts and shared their honest experiences and ideas while Broomfield police officers listened and took notes. Some themes that arose during the sessions included:
- Desire for improved two-way communication with the community
- Community engagement and increased patrol presence in neighborhoods
- Traffic enforcement
- Questions about what the BPD does
- Generally high satisfaction with the BPD
In August and September, the BPD will meet with various focus groups to ensure that they’re hearing from a cross section of the community. Keep an eye out for additional community listening sessions in the fall and swing by National Night Out on Aug. 6 to learn more about safety and emergency services in Broomfield!

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