Arista 36 Industrial Flex Buildings (LaPour Broomfield) - Approved by City Council on May 23, 2023

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City Council approved the ordinance to vacate Destination Drive therefore this project is now complete

Location: East of Wadsworth Parkway and south of Parkland Street - west of Uptown Avenue

Project Type: Business Park (Flex Industrial - Warehouse - Office) 

Project Description: The development review application includes three flex industrial buildings on an approximately 30-acre site, west of the Arista neighborhood and east of Wadsworth Parkway. The flex industrial buildings account for approximately 47% of the site with approximately 359,800 square feet of building area. Parking is located around the buildings, with loading bays and docks oriented internally to the site, via a truck court, to mitigate visual and noise impacts from adjacent uses. A landscape buffer is proposed along the northeast edge of the site to create a transition to the existing residential homes. An open lands/landscape buffer is provided along the southern and eastern edges of the development, serving as a buffer with a regional trail segment between the City and Jefferson County (in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and the Broomfield Interchange Sub-Area Plan).

The plans include architectural renderings of the buildings showing a single-story, tilt-up design with a 40' building height. Clerestory windows with prefinished aluminum canopies and vertical changes in color help to break up the building massing.

To view the full submittal please download the development review packet within the document library.

Applicant: LaPour

Conformance with the Zoning and Compatibility with Surrounding Uses:

The project site encompasses one unplatted parcel that is zoned PUD-NP, which means there is not an approved PUD plan to accompany the zoning.

The site serves as a transition along the edge of both the Arista mixed-use/transit-oriented development and Broomfield's city and county boundary. The proposal is located within the Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport (RMMA) Critical Zone. This designation greatly impacts the types of land uses for the site. The proposed uses are consistent with the types of land uses identified within RMMA's Environs Land Use Plan, the Sub-Area Plan and the Comprehensive Plan.  

Long Range Financial Plan:
There are no anticipated impacts to the Long Range Financial Plan.

Potential Key Issue:

  1. The steep grades will entail re-grading the site so that the industrial flex buildings will more closely be situated at the Wadsworth Parkway grade to enable semi-truck access directly from the parkway, avoiding truck traffic through the neighborhood. Due to this, the development includes extensive terraced retaining walls that will measure approximately 15 ft, per terrace, elevating the site to approximately 80 ft above the grade at Uptown Avenue. The impacts on residents’ views will be significant. The developer has attempted to mitigate this by terracing the retaining walls and landscaping the terraces between the walls. The developer also enhanced the architectural features of the most visible building elevations and placed the smallest flex building (approximately 75,600 sf) on the east side of the property with the larger buildings closer to the parkway.

Project Status:
This project has been approved.

Location: East of Wadsworth Parkway and south of Parkland Street - west of Uptown Avenue

Project Type: Business Park (Flex Industrial - Warehouse - Office) 

Project Description: The development review application includes three flex industrial buildings on an approximately 30-acre site, west of the Arista neighborhood and east of Wadsworth Parkway. The flex industrial buildings account for approximately 47% of the site with approximately 359,800 square feet of building area. Parking is located around the buildings, with loading bays and docks oriented internally to the site, via a truck court, to mitigate visual and noise impacts from adjacent uses. A landscape buffer is proposed along the northeast edge of the site to create a transition to the existing residential homes. An open lands/landscape buffer is provided along the southern and eastern edges of the development, serving as a buffer with a regional trail segment between the City and Jefferson County (in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and the Broomfield Interchange Sub-Area Plan).

The plans include architectural renderings of the buildings showing a single-story, tilt-up design with a 40' building height. Clerestory windows with prefinished aluminum canopies and vertical changes in color help to break up the building massing.

To view the full submittal please download the development review packet within the document library.

Applicant: LaPour

Conformance with the Zoning and Compatibility with Surrounding Uses:

The project site encompasses one unplatted parcel that is zoned PUD-NP, which means there is not an approved PUD plan to accompany the zoning.

The site serves as a transition along the edge of both the Arista mixed-use/transit-oriented development and Broomfield's city and county boundary. The proposal is located within the Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport (RMMA) Critical Zone. This designation greatly impacts the types of land uses for the site. The proposed uses are consistent with the types of land uses identified within RMMA's Environs Land Use Plan, the Sub-Area Plan and the Comprehensive Plan.  

Long Range Financial Plan:
There are no anticipated impacts to the Long Range Financial Plan.

Potential Key Issue:

  1. The steep grades will entail re-grading the site so that the industrial flex buildings will more closely be situated at the Wadsworth Parkway grade to enable semi-truck access directly from the parkway, avoiding truck traffic through the neighborhood. Due to this, the development includes extensive terraced retaining walls that will measure approximately 15 ft, per terrace, elevating the site to approximately 80 ft above the grade at Uptown Avenue. The impacts on residents’ views will be significant. The developer has attempted to mitigate this by terracing the retaining walls and landscaping the terraces between the walls. The developer also enhanced the architectural features of the most visible building elevations and placed the smallest flex building (approximately 75,600 sf) on the east side of the property with the larger buildings closer to the parkway.

Project Status:
This project has been approved.

Discussions: All (1) Open (0)
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