14820 Irving St Plat

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Drawing of proposed property lines with smaller lot to east and larger flag shaped lot to west.

This is a new development proposal! This project is currently under review and will be scheduled for hearings in accordance with the application review process timeline. This page can be utilized to stay up to date with the proposal and provide feedback on the request.

Project Overview

This is a proposal for a final plat at 14820 Irving Street to subdivide the existing property into two separate parcels. The western lot will be approximately 1.45 acres and the eastern lot will be 2.53 acres. There is an existing home on the property which will be part of the western lot. A new residence may be constructed on the eastern lot.

Project Details

Applicant: Tom Ray
Location: 14820 Irving St
Project Type: Plat

City and County Staff Analysis

Zoning, Surrounding Uses and Comprehensive Plan: The zoning for this parcel is legacy Adams County agricultural zoning A-1(A). This land use designation is generally intended for single-family residential uses or farming operations such as crop cultivation, animal gazing or similar activities. The proposal does not include any changes to the existing zoning and the applicant has specified that they intend on constructing a single family home on the new lot.

The comprehensive Plan land use designation for the subject property is rural residential. The proposal is consistent with that designation.

The adjacent properties share the A-1(1) zoning designation as well as the rural residential comprehensive plan land use designations.

Variance: The subject proposal includes one variance to the Broomfield Municipal Code to allow the creation of a flag lot. A flag lot is a property in which the access to the road is provided along the long narrow “flag pole” shaped piece of land, with the majority of the parcel to the rear of the flag.

Public Engagement

You can engage with this project using the Questions and Comments tabs below, by emailing planning@broomfield.org or by providing comments at a public hearing. Following the review of the formal application, public hearings will be scheduled in accordance with the application review process timeline. Public notices will be sent to property owners within 1,000 feet of this project, sign(s) will be posted on the property and a notice will be published in the Broomfield Enterprise newspaper. Members of the public can attend the public hearings and provide in person comments if desired.

This is a new development proposal! This project is currently under review and will be scheduled for hearings in accordance with the application review process timeline. This page can be utilized to stay up to date with the proposal and provide feedback on the request.

Project Overview

This is a proposal for a final plat at 14820 Irving Street to subdivide the existing property into two separate parcels. The western lot will be approximately 1.45 acres and the eastern lot will be 2.53 acres. There is an existing home on the property which will be part of the western lot. A new residence may be constructed on the eastern lot.

Project Details

Applicant: Tom Ray
Location: 14820 Irving St
Project Type: Plat

City and County Staff Analysis

Zoning, Surrounding Uses and Comprehensive Plan: The zoning for this parcel is legacy Adams County agricultural zoning A-1(A). This land use designation is generally intended for single-family residential uses or farming operations such as crop cultivation, animal gazing or similar activities. The proposal does not include any changes to the existing zoning and the applicant has specified that they intend on constructing a single family home on the new lot.

The comprehensive Plan land use designation for the subject property is rural residential. The proposal is consistent with that designation.

The adjacent properties share the A-1(1) zoning designation as well as the rural residential comprehensive plan land use designations.

Variance: The subject proposal includes one variance to the Broomfield Municipal Code to allow the creation of a flag lot. A flag lot is a property in which the access to the road is provided along the long narrow “flag pole” shaped piece of land, with the majority of the parcel to the rear of the flag.

Public Engagement

You can engage with this project using the Questions and Comments tabs below, by emailing planning@broomfield.org or by providing comments at a public hearing. Following the review of the formal application, public hearings will be scheduled in accordance with the application review process timeline. Public notices will be sent to property owners within 1,000 feet of this project, sign(s) will be posted on the property and a notice will be published in the Broomfield Enterprise newspaper. Members of the public can attend the public hearings and provide in person comments if desired.

Discussions: All (1) Open (1)
  • Public Comment

    4 months ago
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    Share your comments and ideas with the developer about how their development application might be improved to better serve the community. City and County of Broomfield staff may contribute in the discussion to provide clarity on what is/isn’t viable.

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Page published: 30 Oct 2024, 03:02 PM