Huron St. 150th - 160th Ave. Widening/Realignment

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The Huron Conceptual Design project has concluded with a final report summarizing findings, public and staff input. The report includes improvement recommendations that will be included in future CIP Budgets.

Huron 150th to 160th Project Location Map

The Goals of this Conceptual Design Project are as follows:

• Complete an Alternatives Analysis that will provide integrated, safe, and efficient multimodal transportation options for users of the corridor.

• Provide future improvements that are consistent with past planning efforts and tie to existing facilities.

• Seek input from the local community and stakeholders to provide transportation solutions that serve community needs and respect property ownership along the corridor to the greatest extent possible.

• Avoid future negative environmental impacts to the greatest extent possible and propose mitigation strategies where necessary.

• Develop a prioritized list of recommended improvements and cost estimates for discrete project elements that will help The City and County of Broomfield (CCOB) plan for future corridor improvements in the Capital Improvements Program.

Project Background

A Managed Growth and Development Agreement (MGDA) sets the terms for reimbursements from revenue generated within a project, for public infrastructure to be constructed by the developer using Metropolitan Districts. With the development of the new Amazon facility at the corner of 160th Avenue and Huron Street, and the approval of the North Park MGDA, concept-level planning is needed to determine the future alignment and widening needed for Huron Street south of 160th Avenue. This segment of Huron Street is complicated by the fact that it falls on CCOB’s boundary with Adams County and has residential driveway connections.

The goal of the Huron Street 150th to 160th Avenue Widening and Realignment project is to identify future improvement projects that will improve multimodal transportation safety and mobility consistent with the mid-to-long-term planning goals of the 2016 Broomfield Transportation Plan and the North Park MGDA. While the Huron Street corridor south of 160th Avenue is not part of the North Park MGDA, the 2016 Broomfield Transportation Plan designates it as a six-lane corridor.

Project Update

The project team is finalizing the conceptual design report. The last phase of this project will be a presentation to the CCOB Transportation Forum for plan approval.

Huron 150th to 160th Project Location

The Goals of this Conceptual Design Project are as follows:

• Complete an Alternatives Analysis that will provide integrated, safe, and efficient multimodal transportation options for users of the corridor.

• Provide future improvements that are consistent with past planning efforts and tie to existing facilities.

• Seek input from the local community and stakeholders to provide transportation solutions that serve community needs and respect property ownership along the corridor to the greatest extent possible.

• Avoid future negative environmental impacts to the greatest extent possible and propose mitigation strategies where necessary.

• Develop a prioritized list of recommended improvements and cost estimates for discrete project elements that will help The City and County of Broomfield (CCOB) plan for future corridor improvements in the Capital Improvements Program.

Project Background

A Managed Growth and Development Agreement (MGDA) sets the terms for reimbursements from revenue generated within a project, for public infrastructure to be constructed by the developer using Metropolitan Districts. With the development of the new Amazon facility at the corner of 160th Avenue and Huron Street, and the approval of the North Park MGDA, concept-level planning is needed to determine the future alignment and widening needed for Huron Street south of 160th Avenue. This segment of Huron Street is complicated by the fact that it falls on CCOB’s boundary with Adams County and has residential driveway connections.

The goal of the Huron Street 150th to 160th Avenue Widening and Realignment project is to identify future improvement projects that will improve multimodal transportation safety and mobility consistent with the mid-to-long-term planning goals of the 2016 Broomfield Transportation Plan and the North Park MGDA. While the Huron Street corridor south of 160th Avenue is not part of the North Park MGDA, the 2016 Broomfield Transportation Plan designates it as a six-lane corridor.

Project Update

The project team is finalizing the conceptual design report. The last phase of this project will be a presentation to the CCOB Transportation Forum for plan approval.

Huron 150th to 160th Project Location

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Huron St. 150th Ave. to 160th Ave.

about 2 years

In the Fall 2022, residents and people who travel on Huron Street between 150 th and 160 th avenues provided feedback about walking, biking, taking transit, and driving along the corridor. More than 600 people visited this web page, with 54 people filling out the project survey and 258 people visiting this engagement map, leaving 30 comments on issues such as traffic safety, pedestrian access, property impacts and access to Huron Street. Click and zoom in on the map to read these comments.

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.