Holy Family High School Athletic Fields

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Project Overview

This is a proposal for the addition of two athletic fields, the enhancement of one athletic field, a new indoor pitching facility, and three parking lots located on the Holy Family High School campus. These improvements will be phased, with the first priority being the softball and combination fields. The two fields along 144th Avenue are proposed to be joined by a pedestrian plaza featuring the concessions building, additional shade trees, landscape planters, and built-in tiered seating and bleachers from which to watch softball games.

In early 2018, the school completed a Concept Review for a campus master plan including the expansion of athletic fields and parking.

In October of 2018, City Council approved a Site Development Plan Amendment for an expansion to the building. This amendment did not document the planned expansions to athletic facilities.

Project Details

Applicant: Holy Family High School and Norris Design
Location: 5195 w 144th Avenue
Project Type: Site Development Plan (SDP) Amendment

City and County Staff Analysis

Zoning, Surrounding Uses and Comprehensive Plan: This parcel is zoned PUD and is located within the W. 144th Ave and Sheridan Blvd (Wildgrass) PUD Plan area. This PUD plan designates this site for High School and Institutional uses.
Site Circulation, Parking and Multimodal Access: The primary access to the campus is Karly Way, which connects to West 144th Avenue at two access points. This current proposal includes the addition of three new parking lots with a total of 326 parking spaces. The site plan also includes new sidewalks and trail connections linking parking lots to the main school building and athletic fields.

Conceptual Site Plan of High School Campus

To view the conceptual documents please see the document library to the right.

Project Status

The project is currently in the staff review phase which is step 2 of the development review process. This project will require a public hearing prior to constriction.

More Project Images

Renderings of Proposed Athletic Buildings

Public Engagement

You can engage with this project using the Questions and Comments tabs below, or by emailing planning@broomfield.org. Feedback must be submitted prior to a public hearing. Feedback shared on this project page will be provided to the Land Use Review Commission and City Council as they consider the development application.

The project timeline on this page provides an overview of the next steps in the development process. A public hearing has not yet been scheduled.

Share your ideas about how this development application might be improved to better serve the community, leave comments and/or ask questions about the proposal using the tabs below.

Project Overview

This is a proposal for the addition of two athletic fields, the enhancement of one athletic field, a new indoor pitching facility, and three parking lots located on the Holy Family High School campus. These improvements will be phased, with the first priority being the softball and combination fields. The two fields along 144th Avenue are proposed to be joined by a pedestrian plaza featuring the concessions building, additional shade trees, landscape planters, and built-in tiered seating and bleachers from which to watch softball games.

In early 2018, the school completed a Concept Review for a campus master plan including the expansion of athletic fields and parking.

In October of 2018, City Council approved a Site Development Plan Amendment for an expansion to the building. This amendment did not document the planned expansions to athletic facilities.

Project Details

Applicant: Holy Family High School and Norris Design
Location: 5195 w 144th Avenue
Project Type: Site Development Plan (SDP) Amendment

City and County Staff Analysis

Zoning, Surrounding Uses and Comprehensive Plan: This parcel is zoned PUD and is located within the W. 144th Ave and Sheridan Blvd (Wildgrass) PUD Plan area. This PUD plan designates this site for High School and Institutional uses.
Site Circulation, Parking and Multimodal Access: The primary access to the campus is Karly Way, which connects to West 144th Avenue at two access points. This current proposal includes the addition of three new parking lots with a total of 326 parking spaces. The site plan also includes new sidewalks and trail connections linking parking lots to the main school building and athletic fields.

Conceptual Site Plan of High School Campus

To view the conceptual documents please see the document library to the right.

Project Status

The project is currently in the staff review phase which is step 2 of the development review process. This project will require a public hearing prior to constriction.

More Project Images

Renderings of Proposed Athletic Buildings

Public Engagement

You can engage with this project using the Questions and Comments tabs below, or by emailing planning@broomfield.org. Feedback must be submitted prior to a public hearing. Feedback shared on this project page will be provided to the Land Use Review Commission and City Council as they consider the development application.

The project timeline on this page provides an overview of the next steps in the development process. A public hearing has not yet been scheduled.

Discussions: All (1) Open (1)
  • Public Comment

    almost 2 years ago
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    Share your comments and ideas with the developer about how their development application might be improved to better serve the community. City and County of Broomfield staff may contribute in the discussion to provide clarity on what is/isn’t viable.

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Page published: 04 Sep 2024, 10:24 AM