Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan
Why is energy important to sustainability in Broomfield?
Buildings in the US consume approximately 40% of the country’s energy. In commercial buildings, an estimated 30% of that energy is wasted. We have an opportunity, through targeted policies and smart programs, to reduce Broomfield’s energy consumption, while saving energy, cutting air pollution, creating green jobs, and improving indoor air quality.
The easiest way to reduce energy consumption is to make operational changes, such as modifying heating and cooling settings, or turning off lights when not in use. These changes, multiplied across large institutions, can have a huge impact on GHG emissions.
Energy efficiency is the next least expensive option - It is estimated that commercial and residential energy efficiency opportunities alone would help Broomfield achieve a 15% reduction in GHGs. One scenario demonstrates that Broomfield’s commercial buildings could cut their energy usage by up to 54% by installing recommended efficiency upgrades.
In addition, due to the rapid decline in solar pricing, it’s never been more affordable to take part in the renewable energy revolution.
Where are we Right Now?
- On-site solar for 9 municipal buildings
- Solar powered park lights
- Solar powered park irrigation
- Anaerobic energy use in water treatment plan
- Access utility incentives for municipal energy efficiency upgrades
- Working with utilities to access incentives for energy efficiency upgrades for low income families
Sustainability is a focal point of social, economic, and environmental health in the City and County of Broomfield (CCOB). This plan (Executive Summary and Policy Summary) is the City's roadmap for achieving greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goals that are consistent with science-based climate objectives. Sustainability is not merely about protecting the environment, it is about the capacity for people to live and thrive in that environment.
Sustainability is about us.
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Planning Background & Goals
In 2020, Broomfield's City Council passed Resolution 2020-169, charting the course for a more sustainable future for Broomfield and setting a goal of 26% reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions by 2025, 50% by 2030, and 90% by 2050.
In addition, the resolution set more stringent goals for organization-wide operations at the City and County of Broomfield: 30% reduction by 2025, 60% by 2030, 90% by 2045, and 100% by 2050.
In 2021, Broomfield initiated a strategic planning effort that included both GHG reduction and zero waste as key topics. As part of the planning effort, the outreach team conducted an extensive engagement process including 34 stakeholder interviews, nine large businesses, three school districts, 12 solid-waste haulers, and 10 local reuse and recycling establishments.
The draft Zero Waste Action Plan (view project page here) was released in January 2022, and the draft Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan (available below) was released in April 2022.
Click the image above to view Draft GHG Reduction PlanGreenhouse Gas Reduction Plan
Focusing on energy and transportation, the GHG Reduction Plan outlines strategies that enable the City to take effective action toward reducing Broomfield's carbon footprint. This plan provides recommendations for a technically and financially feasible pathway to achieve Broomfield’s GHG reduction goals.
The plan is based on technical assistance provider research, national best practices, data analysis, input from the Advisory Committee on Environmental Sustainability (ACES), stakeholder engagement, CCOB department feedback, and local market factors.
Different GHG measures will have different costs, benefits, and outcomes. In an environment with limited resources, it is necessary to prioritize actions to achieve the stated goals in the plan. In the near term, Broomfield will be focusing on Foundational projects that are cost-effective, feasible with current technology, and leverage existing funding and other resources.
To create a Broomfield where everyone can thrive tomorrow and for generations to come, it is necessary to invest today in the community’s sustainable future because a "business as usual" approach is no longer viable for social, environmental, and economic sustainability.
Please review the plan and leave your comments below.