The Finley at Baseline Signage Amendment

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This project was approved by the Land Use Review Commission on June 26, 2023.

Location: 16000 Sheridan Parkway

Project Type: Amendment to Site Development Plan for Increased Signage

Project Description: AHV Communities has submitted an application for a Site Development Plan Amendment (SDP Amendment) to request variances related to signage. The applicant is requesting a variance of the signage height and total sign area per sign face, as reviewed under the City of Broomfield sign code.

Per the City of Broomfield’s sign code, the maximum sign height is 7 feet. The proposed maximum sign height under this variance request is 12 feet. This is similar to other district signage at Baseline and complements the verticality of those approved community signs.

Broomfield's sign code allows for a maximum sign area of 16 square feet per face. The project proposes a sign area of 25 square feet maximum per sign face under this variance. The primary monument is triangular shaped and has three sides.

To view the full submittal please download documents provided in within the document library.

Applicant: AHV Communities

Conformance with the Zoning and Compatibility with Surrounding Uses: The proposal is not adding any additional units, or adding new land uses to the site and is solely limited to the requested signage changes through variances. The applicant's request is the appropriate process to seek such variances from code.

Baseline has community wide identification and branding signs that were granted similar variances as part of prior PUD Amendments. Those variances did not apply to individual developments and their associated signage. Those project are currently required to seek variances on a case by case basis.

Long Range Financial Plan: The application does not result in any changes to the City and County of Broomfield's financial conditions.

Potential Key Issues for Discussion: At this time staff has not identified any key issues or major comments.

Location: 16000 Sheridan Parkway

Project Type: Amendment to Site Development Plan for Increased Signage

Project Description: AHV Communities has submitted an application for a Site Development Plan Amendment (SDP Amendment) to request variances related to signage. The applicant is requesting a variance of the signage height and total sign area per sign face, as reviewed under the City of Broomfield sign code.

Per the City of Broomfield’s sign code, the maximum sign height is 7 feet. The proposed maximum sign height under this variance request is 12 feet. This is similar to other district signage at Baseline and complements the verticality of those approved community signs.

Broomfield's sign code allows for a maximum sign area of 16 square feet per face. The project proposes a sign area of 25 square feet maximum per sign face under this variance. The primary monument is triangular shaped and has three sides.

To view the full submittal please download documents provided in within the document library.

Applicant: AHV Communities

Conformance with the Zoning and Compatibility with Surrounding Uses: The proposal is not adding any additional units, or adding new land uses to the site and is solely limited to the requested signage changes through variances. The applicant's request is the appropriate process to seek such variances from code.

Baseline has community wide identification and branding signs that were granted similar variances as part of prior PUD Amendments. Those variances did not apply to individual developments and their associated signage. Those project are currently required to seek variances on a case by case basis.

Long Range Financial Plan: The application does not result in any changes to the City and County of Broomfield's financial conditions.

Potential Key Issues for Discussion: At this time staff has not identified any key issues or major comments.

Discussions: All (1) Open (0)
  • Public Comment (Formal Development Application)

    over 2 years ago
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