September 29 2020

Farm at Westlake Concept Review City Council Meeting

This concept review is scheduled to be reviewed by the City Council on September 29. 

CLARIFICATION: Note that the City Council meeting tonight may be accessed via the following information:  Please call 855.695.3744 to connect via the telephone. Then press *3 to be placed in a queue/screened to ask a question during the public hearing/public comment section of tonight's agenda. You are able to watch via Channel 8, the City Council Website, or the Broomfield Youtube Channel. 

September 24 2020

Neighborhood Meeting at 6:00 pm

June 24 2021

Neighborhood Meeting at 6:00 PM

To access the applicant hosted neighborhood meeting  call 1-346-248-7799 or you may access it via the Zoom meeting information outlined here