Broomfield Believes

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This project was started during the COVID-19 and has since concluded. To view a map of holidays lights from 2020, click the "Maps" tab below.

Broomfield our community, in our resiliency, and in a better tomorrow! 

Show some CHEER this holiday season and support Broomfield’s recovery by:

  • Choosing to buy local - enjoy curbside retail and takeout at our local restaurants
  • Hanging your holiday lights early and helping ‘Light up Broomfield!’ Add your home to the Light Up Broomfield
  • Encouraging giving this holiday season; provide a gift for a Precious Child family, add a few extra dollars to your next bill to tip to our selfless service workers, or share your time with the gift of volunteering.
  • Expressing gratitude to our essential workers that have been working tirelessly through the pandemic - nominate an essential worker to receive a $50 visa gift card
  • Reigning in Holiday gatherings, by interacting only with your household, keeping your 6ft distance, and wearing masks around others

Share how you are spreading CHEER this holiday season by sharing a photo of you or your family doing any of the 5-steps of Cheer! Use #BroomfieldBelieves, add your submission below or email your submission to

Broomfield our community, in our resiliency, and in a better tomorrow! 

Show some CHEER this holiday season and support Broomfield’s recovery by:

  • Choosing to buy local - enjoy curbside retail and takeout at our local restaurants
  • Hanging your holiday lights early and helping ‘Light up Broomfield!’ Add your home to the Light Up Broomfield
  • Encouraging giving this holiday season; provide a gift for a Precious Child family, add a few extra dollars to your next bill to tip to our selfless service workers, or share your time with the gift of volunteering.
  • Expressing gratitude to our essential workers that have been working tirelessly through the pandemic - nominate an essential worker to receive a $50 visa gift card
  • Reigning in Holiday gatherings, by interacting only with your household, keeping your 6ft distance, and wearing masks around others

Share how you are spreading CHEER this holiday season by sharing a photo of you or your family doing any of the 5-steps of Cheer! Use #BroomfieldBelieves, add your submission below or email your submission to

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Holiday Lights

over 1 year

Submit a photo and location of the lights to share!

Use the plus sign icon to add a pin of the address of your lights and a photo of your lights!

Please make sure to upload your photo using the "Add Image" button, this will help those that are unable to leave their homes view your lights virtually! 

Submission will require you to enter an email address, Screen name, and agree to the terms of use. If you are not registered with BroomfieldVoice, please enter anything in this field. Emails will not be retained and used in any way and entering information will not register you for the platform. 

If you would like to register, please click the "Register Now" button underneath submit.  

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.