Bank of America - Online Concept Review

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Rendering of the proposed bank building with drive-through lanes

Share your ideas about how this development application might be improved to better serve the community, leave comments that will be shared with City Council and/or ask questions about the proposal using the tabs below.

Project Overview

This is a proposal for a new bank at the northwest corner of CO 7 and Palisade Parkway. The proposal includes a 4,320 square foot bank building with three drive-thru lanes.

The proposal includes 17 parking stalls.

The developer will need to subdivide the current parcel into two smaller parcels for this plan.

Project Details

Applicant: Cushman & Wakefield
Location: 16802 Galapago Pl.
Project Type: Concept Review (will require a Site Development Plan/Urban Renewal Site Plan and Final Plat)

City and County Staff Analysis

Zoning, Surrounding Uses and Comprehensive Plan: The zoning for this parcel is PUD. It is located in the Palisade Park Planned Unit Development (PUD) Plan Area.

The parcel is within the Mixed-Use Commercial area of the Palisade Park PUD. The PUD allows free standing retail sites, including banks with drive-through facilities, as a permitted commercial land use in this location.

The Comprehensive Plan land use designation for this parcel is mixed-use commercial. A bank is consistent with this land use.

Site Circulation, Parking and Multimodal Access: Under this proposal, vehicles would access the site from West 168th Place on the north side of the site. Parking and drive aisles would wrap around the proposed building on all four sides.

The site vehicular circulation will be further evaluated to encourage opportunities for a denser, more efficient site layout that promotes pedestrian connectivity, safe and functional vehicular circulation, well-articulated streets and sidewalks.

Potential Variances: The maximum number of permitted parking spaces for this proposal is 13. The applicant would require a variance in order to build 17 parking spaces.

Additional Staff Feedback: The Palisade Park PUD Plan calls for commercial development to provide a pedestrian-oriented shopping, living and working environment. The plan also calls for a simple and well-articulated system of streets, sidewalks, trails, and park facilities.

Staff has advised the applicant that a more compact development with the building at the site's edge, not in the middle, would better match the PUD plan's goals.

As currently proposed, this site plan would force pedestrians to cross a drive aisle between the sidewalks and the front door. A more compact site could also leave room for another business in the future, which would be an additional opportunity for economic growth.

Possible Key Issues: This project site is in a Parking Reduction Area. This proposal includes 17 parking spaces, which is in excess of the amount of parking permitted by the Broomfield Parking Code.

The applicant will be required to include the minimum required number of EV-Installed, EV Ready, and EV Capable parking spaces as a part of the project.

Public Engagement

The online concept review for this project ended on June 28th. This project is now in the development review phase.

Concept reviews are the first step in the land development process. Concept reviews allow developers an opportunity to introduce their development proposal and receive initial feedback from City Council, Broomfield Boards and Commissions (including the Land Use Review Commission) and community members. This step in the process does not approve or deny the proposal but instead helps the developer to take feedback into consideration while they refine their development proposal prior to the formal development application. This step in the development process is the best time to share concerns or comments as it allows the developer the most time to consider changes in response to the feedback they receive.

You can continue to engage with this project using the Questions and Comments tabs below, or by emailing

The project timeline on this page provides an overview of the next steps in the development process should the developer choose to move forward with their proposal.

Share your ideas about how this development application might be improved to better serve the community, leave comments that will be shared with City Council and/or ask questions about the proposal using the tabs below.

Project Overview

This is a proposal for a new bank at the northwest corner of CO 7 and Palisade Parkway. The proposal includes a 4,320 square foot bank building with three drive-thru lanes.

The proposal includes 17 parking stalls.

The developer will need to subdivide the current parcel into two smaller parcels for this plan.

Project Details

Applicant: Cushman & Wakefield
Location: 16802 Galapago Pl.
Project Type: Concept Review (will require a Site Development Plan/Urban Renewal Site Plan and Final Plat)

City and County Staff Analysis

Zoning, Surrounding Uses and Comprehensive Plan: The zoning for this parcel is PUD. It is located in the Palisade Park Planned Unit Development (PUD) Plan Area.

The parcel is within the Mixed-Use Commercial area of the Palisade Park PUD. The PUD allows free standing retail sites, including banks with drive-through facilities, as a permitted commercial land use in this location.

The Comprehensive Plan land use designation for this parcel is mixed-use commercial. A bank is consistent with this land use.

Site Circulation, Parking and Multimodal Access: Under this proposal, vehicles would access the site from West 168th Place on the north side of the site. Parking and drive aisles would wrap around the proposed building on all four sides.

The site vehicular circulation will be further evaluated to encourage opportunities for a denser, more efficient site layout that promotes pedestrian connectivity, safe and functional vehicular circulation, well-articulated streets and sidewalks.

Potential Variances: The maximum number of permitted parking spaces for this proposal is 13. The applicant would require a variance in order to build 17 parking spaces.

Additional Staff Feedback: The Palisade Park PUD Plan calls for commercial development to provide a pedestrian-oriented shopping, living and working environment. The plan also calls for a simple and well-articulated system of streets, sidewalks, trails, and park facilities.

Staff has advised the applicant that a more compact development with the building at the site's edge, not in the middle, would better match the PUD plan's goals.

As currently proposed, this site plan would force pedestrians to cross a drive aisle between the sidewalks and the front door. A more compact site could also leave room for another business in the future, which would be an additional opportunity for economic growth.

Possible Key Issues: This project site is in a Parking Reduction Area. This proposal includes 17 parking spaces, which is in excess of the amount of parking permitted by the Broomfield Parking Code.

The applicant will be required to include the minimum required number of EV-Installed, EV Ready, and EV Capable parking spaces as a part of the project.

Public Engagement

The online concept review for this project ended on June 28th. This project is now in the development review phase.

Concept reviews are the first step in the land development process. Concept reviews allow developers an opportunity to introduce their development proposal and receive initial feedback from City Council, Broomfield Boards and Commissions (including the Land Use Review Commission) and community members. This step in the process does not approve or deny the proposal but instead helps the developer to take feedback into consideration while they refine their development proposal prior to the formal development application. This step in the development process is the best time to share concerns or comments as it allows the developer the most time to consider changes in response to the feedback they receive.

You can continue to engage with this project using the Questions and Comments tabs below, or by emailing

The project timeline on this page provides an overview of the next steps in the development process should the developer choose to move forward with their proposal.

Discussions: All (1) Open (1)
  • Public Comment

    5 months ago
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    Share your comments and ideas with the developer about how their development application might be improved to better serve the community. City and County of Broomfield staff may contribute in the discussion to provide clarity on what is/isn’t viable.

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Page last updated: 25 Sep 2024, 05:00 PM