Acacia Garden Mixed Use (formerly 11830 and 11840 Teller Street Concept Plan) - Project Withdrawn

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This project was withdrawn by the property owner.


Conceptual Site Plan (with right of way dedication)

Project Summary

This project was withdrawn by the property owner.

Location: 11830 and 11840 Teller Street

Project Type: Mixed Use Development - Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning, Planned Unit Development (PUD) Plan and Final Plat

Project Description: The proposal is for a live/work development. The PUD plan proposes office space with residential. The gross site area is 0.72 acres in size. The final plat creates one lot and dedicates right-of-way. The net site area after the subdivision is 0.60 acres.

The property is zoned legacy Jefferson County residential R-2 (J). The surrounding area is industrial. This proposal includes a request to rezone from R-2 (J) to Planned Unit Development (PUD).

Property Owner: Zhu Min

Applicant: Caddis Collaborative Architecture

To view the full submittal please refer to the Document Library in the upper right side of the screen.

Relationship to Guiding Plans and Existing Uses

2016 Comprehensive Plan: The Broomfield Comprehensive Plan designation is "Industrial." This designation calls for light and heavy industrial, office, manufacturing, research, and development facilities, warehousing, and some limited commercial uses. The Comprehensive Plan indicates that industrial uses should be adequately buffered from incompatible uses.

The Industrial land use designation in the Comprehensive Plan does not specifically address an intent for allowing residential uses. However, Broomfield’s industrial zones allow live/work residential within industrial areas, so limited residential within employment/industrial areas is not entirely inconsistent with the vision for the area. To clarify and ensure conformance with the Comprehensive Plan, a land use map amendment to change the designation to mixed-use commercial is proposed to reflect better the requested land uses of limited residential and commercial uses on the site.

Long Range Financial Plan: The proposal is inconsistent with the land use assumptions in the Long Range Financial Plan. The original land use assumption was for non-residential uses.

Neighborhood Compatibility & Context: The property is subject to the Original Broomfield Neighborhood Plan. The area is transitioning from legacy Jefferson County light industrial uses to industrial flex uses.

The mixed uses - apartments and offices - may provide a transition.

Key Issues

There are not any key issues associated with this application request.

Impacts to the Long-Range Financial Plan

The area is industrial. The change to mixed-use residential may impact the financial plan.

Project Status:

This project was withdrawn by the property owner.

Project Summary

This project was withdrawn by the property owner.

Location: 11830 and 11840 Teller Street

Project Type: Mixed Use Development - Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning, Planned Unit Development (PUD) Plan and Final Plat

Project Description: The proposal is for a live/work development. The PUD plan proposes office space with residential. The gross site area is 0.72 acres in size. The final plat creates one lot and dedicates right-of-way. The net site area after the subdivision is 0.60 acres.

The property is zoned legacy Jefferson County residential R-2 (J). The surrounding area is industrial. This proposal includes a request to rezone from R-2 (J) to Planned Unit Development (PUD).

Property Owner: Zhu Min

Applicant: Caddis Collaborative Architecture

To view the full submittal please refer to the Document Library in the upper right side of the screen.

Relationship to Guiding Plans and Existing Uses

2016 Comprehensive Plan: The Broomfield Comprehensive Plan designation is "Industrial." This designation calls for light and heavy industrial, office, manufacturing, research, and development facilities, warehousing, and some limited commercial uses. The Comprehensive Plan indicates that industrial uses should be adequately buffered from incompatible uses.

The Industrial land use designation in the Comprehensive Plan does not specifically address an intent for allowing residential uses. However, Broomfield’s industrial zones allow live/work residential within industrial areas, so limited residential within employment/industrial areas is not entirely inconsistent with the vision for the area. To clarify and ensure conformance with the Comprehensive Plan, a land use map amendment to change the designation to mixed-use commercial is proposed to reflect better the requested land uses of limited residential and commercial uses on the site.

Long Range Financial Plan: The proposal is inconsistent with the land use assumptions in the Long Range Financial Plan. The original land use assumption was for non-residential uses.

Neighborhood Compatibility & Context: The property is subject to the Original Broomfield Neighborhood Plan. The area is transitioning from legacy Jefferson County light industrial uses to industrial flex uses.

The mixed uses - apartments and offices - may provide a transition.

Key Issues

There are not any key issues associated with this application request.

Impacts to the Long-Range Financial Plan

The area is industrial. The change to mixed-use residential may impact the financial plan.

Project Status:

This project was withdrawn by the property owner.

Discussions: All (1) Open (0)
  • Public Comment

    almost 5 years ago
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