Proposed 2025 Parking Code Update

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Share your input about proposed parking code changes to the Broomfield Municipal Code. You can ask questions about the proposed changes below using the “Questions” tab or start a conversation and provide your feedback under the “Forum” tab at the bottom of the page.

Your feedback will be used to help shape the proposed changes to the code to meet the needs of the community.

Project Overview

The proposed parking code updates are crafted to address Colorado State Legislation, direction from City Council Members from the June 18, 2024 Study Session, and to make technical edits to the existing code to improve clarity and ease of use.

Broomfield Council adopted a modernized parking code on January 1, 2024. Since then, the Colorado General Assembly passed legislation requiring additional modifications to Broomfield’s parking code. Broomfield City Council also asked for a number of minor modifications to the Parking Code at its June 18, 2024 Study Session. Broomfield City Council will review and vote on the proposed changes at public hearings in April and May of 2025 to meet the state adoption deadline of June 30, 2025.

The proposed parking code changes will address the following elements:

  • Over the last few years, the Colorado Legislature passed several bills that require changes to Broomfield’s parking code. These include HB23-1233, HB24-1152 and HB 24-1304.
  • On June 18, 2024, Broomfield City Council made additional recommendations including the addition of a Parking Reduction Area (PRA) along 120th Avenue, eliminating parking minimums in Parking Reduction Areas and strengthening requirements for short-term bicycle parking for some land uses.
  • Technical changes to address wording and design requirements in order to improve clarity and ease of use.

While the community can provide input on the proposed parking code changes, suggestions that impact or modify state requirements cannot be implemented.

Required State Legislation

HB23-1233 Electric Vehicle Charging And Parking Requirements

Image of a van accessible parking space with and EV charging stationImage created using Google Gemini

This bill intends to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote improved air quality in Colorado. It aims to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) in Colorado.

Key provisions that impact Broomfield’s parking code include:

  • A requirement for local governments to count parking spaces served by an EV charging station toward minimum parking requirements
  • A requirement for any van-accessible parking space that is designed to accommodate a person in a wheelchair, is served by an electric vehicle charging station, and is not designated as parking reserved for a person with a disability under section 42-4-1208 must be counted as at least two standard automobile parking spaces.
  • One parking space served by an EV charging station must meet the ADA design standards for a van-accessible parking space. This space is not required to be designated (signed) as an “accessible parking space.” This does not apply to van spaces designated for people with a disability as defined under section 42-4-1208 of HB23-1233.

HB24-1152 Accessory Dwelling Units

Image showing various types of accessory dwelling units. These include a detached unit, an attached unit, garage conversions, among others.

This bill aims to increase Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) in Colorado. It seeks to address state housing shortages and housing affordability issues. It also seeks to reduce the burden on homeowners who want to create an ADU by limiting local parking requirements for ADUs.

The key provision that impact Broomfield’s parking code include:

  • Local governments cannot require the construction of new off-street parking spaces for ADUs. Limited exceptions include:
    • If no existing off-street parking is available (driveway, garage, etc.), parking restrictions may be allowed, and;
    • If the zoning district requires parking for a primary residence, but the block does not allow on-street parking, parking restrictions may be permitted.

HB24-1304 Concerning Parking Requirements within Metropolitan Planning Organizations

Screen short from the Colorado HB24-1304 map showing transit areas subject to the elimination of minimum parking requirements for some residential land uses.

This bill aims to make housing more affordable and sustainable by reducing the cost and environmental impact of excessive parking requirements. The bill significantly reduces minimum parking requirements for certain types of residential development within Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), and will apply to Broomfield.

The key provisions that impact Broomfield’s parking code include:

  • Local governments cannot require minimum parking spaces for the following types of projects located within a quarter-mile of a transit stop or station: multi-family residential developments, adaptive reuse projects for residential purposes, or mixed-use projects with at least 50% residential use.
  • The Colorado Department of Local Affairs will create a map designating areas within a quarter-mile of transit stops or stations that qualify for reduced parking requirements. This map closely corresponds to, and will be superseded by, Broomfield’s Parking Reductions Area (PRA) map since the proposed Broomfield PRA map already includes these areas. Specifically, the Flatiron Station PRA, the Broomfield Station PRA and 120th Avenue PRA already meet the requirements.
  • An allowance for a maximum of one parking space per unit for developments with more than 20 units, or those including affordable housing units. Local governments can impose stricter requirements in limited cases with specific findings and justifications.

Broomfield City Council Guidance

At the June 18, 2024 City Council Study Session, City Council expressed support for additional modifications to Broomfield’s parking code:

  • Create an additional PRA for 120th Avenue between Upham Street and Lowell Boulevard, including an area within approximately one quarter-mile of the roadway.
  • Eliminate parking minimums in PRAs.
  • Review and propose additional requirements for short-term bicycle parking associated with appropriate land uses.
  • Bicycle parking must accommodate a wide variety of bicycle types, including cargo bicycles.

Additional Revisions and Technical Edits

The proposed parking code changes will also address minor technical issues with language or figures that have been identified in the current parking code. For example, the International Building Code (IBC) requires that a minimum of one van accessible parking space must have EV charger availability. While the parking space must meet ADA design requirements for van accessibility, it is not required to be marked with an accessible placard. The proposed parking code update would correct this requirement in Broomfield’s Municipal Code, Section 17-32-040 - Off-street parking; required spaces, under the ADA parking table.

Public Engagement

Community and developer feedback will be taken into consideration for elements of the parking code, which the City and County of Broomfield has the authority to modify. Public feedback will not impact parking code requirements related to state requirements.

You can provide your feedback or ask questions using the tabs below. The deadline to provide feedback on this Broomfield Voice page is April 7, 2025. Comments emailed to will also be accepted until the day of the second reading, May 13, 2025.

Share your input about proposed parking code changes to the Broomfield Municipal Code. You can ask questions about the proposed changes below using the “Questions” tab or start a conversation and provide your feedback under the “Forum” tab at the bottom of the page.

Your feedback will be used to help shape the proposed changes to the code to meet the needs of the community.

Project Overview

The proposed parking code updates are crafted to address Colorado State Legislation, direction from City Council Members from the June 18, 2024 Study Session, and to make technical edits to the existing code to improve clarity and ease of use.

Broomfield Council adopted a modernized parking code on January 1, 2024. Since then, the Colorado General Assembly passed legislation requiring additional modifications to Broomfield’s parking code. Broomfield City Council also asked for a number of minor modifications to the Parking Code at its June 18, 2024 Study Session. Broomfield City Council will review and vote on the proposed changes at public hearings in April and May of 2025 to meet the state adoption deadline of June 30, 2025.

The proposed parking code changes will address the following elements:

  • Over the last few years, the Colorado Legislature passed several bills that require changes to Broomfield’s parking code. These include HB23-1233, HB24-1152 and HB 24-1304.
  • On June 18, 2024, Broomfield City Council made additional recommendations including the addition of a Parking Reduction Area (PRA) along 120th Avenue, eliminating parking minimums in Parking Reduction Areas and strengthening requirements for short-term bicycle parking for some land uses.
  • Technical changes to address wording and design requirements in order to improve clarity and ease of use.

While the community can provide input on the proposed parking code changes, suggestions that impact or modify state requirements cannot be implemented.

Required State Legislation

HB23-1233 Electric Vehicle Charging And Parking Requirements

Image of a van accessible parking space with and EV charging stationImage created using Google Gemini

This bill intends to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote improved air quality in Colorado. It aims to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) in Colorado.

Key provisions that impact Broomfield’s parking code include:

  • A requirement for local governments to count parking spaces served by an EV charging station toward minimum parking requirements
  • A requirement for any van-accessible parking space that is designed to accommodate a person in a wheelchair, is served by an electric vehicle charging station, and is not designated as parking reserved for a person with a disability under section 42-4-1208 must be counted as at least two standard automobile parking spaces.
  • One parking space served by an EV charging station must meet the ADA design standards for a van-accessible parking space. This space is not required to be designated (signed) as an “accessible parking space.” This does not apply to van spaces designated for people with a disability as defined under section 42-4-1208 of HB23-1233.

HB24-1152 Accessory Dwelling Units

Image showing various types of accessory dwelling units. These include a detached unit, an attached unit, garage conversions, among others.

This bill aims to increase Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) in Colorado. It seeks to address state housing shortages and housing affordability issues. It also seeks to reduce the burden on homeowners who want to create an ADU by limiting local parking requirements for ADUs.

The key provision that impact Broomfield’s parking code include:

  • Local governments cannot require the construction of new off-street parking spaces for ADUs. Limited exceptions include:
    • If no existing off-street parking is available (driveway, garage, etc.), parking restrictions may be allowed, and;
    • If the zoning district requires parking for a primary residence, but the block does not allow on-street parking, parking restrictions may be permitted.

HB24-1304 Concerning Parking Requirements within Metropolitan Planning Organizations

Screen short from the Colorado HB24-1304 map showing transit areas subject to the elimination of minimum parking requirements for some residential land uses.

This bill aims to make housing more affordable and sustainable by reducing the cost and environmental impact of excessive parking requirements. The bill significantly reduces minimum parking requirements for certain types of residential development within Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), and will apply to Broomfield.

The key provisions that impact Broomfield’s parking code include:

  • Local governments cannot require minimum parking spaces for the following types of projects located within a quarter-mile of a transit stop or station: multi-family residential developments, adaptive reuse projects for residential purposes, or mixed-use projects with at least 50% residential use.
  • The Colorado Department of Local Affairs will create a map designating areas within a quarter-mile of transit stops or stations that qualify for reduced parking requirements. This map closely corresponds to, and will be superseded by, Broomfield’s Parking Reductions Area (PRA) map since the proposed Broomfield PRA map already includes these areas. Specifically, the Flatiron Station PRA, the Broomfield Station PRA and 120th Avenue PRA already meet the requirements.
  • An allowance for a maximum of one parking space per unit for developments with more than 20 units, or those including affordable housing units. Local governments can impose stricter requirements in limited cases with specific findings and justifications.

Broomfield City Council Guidance

At the June 18, 2024 City Council Study Session, City Council expressed support for additional modifications to Broomfield’s parking code:

  • Create an additional PRA for 120th Avenue between Upham Street and Lowell Boulevard, including an area within approximately one quarter-mile of the roadway.
  • Eliminate parking minimums in PRAs.
  • Review and propose additional requirements for short-term bicycle parking associated with appropriate land uses.
  • Bicycle parking must accommodate a wide variety of bicycle types, including cargo bicycles.

Additional Revisions and Technical Edits

The proposed parking code changes will also address minor technical issues with language or figures that have been identified in the current parking code. For example, the International Building Code (IBC) requires that a minimum of one van accessible parking space must have EV charger availability. While the parking space must meet ADA design requirements for van accessibility, it is not required to be marked with an accessible placard. The proposed parking code update would correct this requirement in Broomfield’s Municipal Code, Section 17-32-040 - Off-street parking; required spaces, under the ADA parking table.

Public Engagement

Community and developer feedback will be taken into consideration for elements of the parking code, which the City and County of Broomfield has the authority to modify. Public feedback will not impact parking code requirements related to state requirements.

You can provide your feedback or ask questions using the tabs below. The deadline to provide feedback on this Broomfield Voice page is April 7, 2025. Comments emailed to will also be accepted until the day of the second reading, May 13, 2025.


Ask your questions about the proposed parking code update below. City and County of Broomfield staff will respond to your question within two business days.

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  • Share I support more bicycle parking. What exactly is being considered for bicycle parking requirements, and will they be retroactive for existing buildings or only for new construction? on Facebook Share I support more bicycle parking. What exactly is being considered for bicycle parking requirements, and will they be retroactive for existing buildings or only for new construction? on Twitter Share I support more bicycle parking. What exactly is being considered for bicycle parking requirements, and will they be retroactive for existing buildings or only for new construction? on Linkedin Email I support more bicycle parking. What exactly is being considered for bicycle parking requirements, and will they be retroactive for existing buildings or only for new construction? link

    I support more bicycle parking. What exactly is being considered for bicycle parking requirements, and will they be retroactive for existing buildings or only for new construction?

    John asked 19 days ago

    Hello John, 

    Thank you for the question.  Broomfield adopted code in 2024 instituting both short and long term bicycle parking requirements for certain land uses.  These can be found in the Broomfield Municipal Code.  As part of this update Broomfield City Council asked staff to explore strengthening short term bicycle parking requirements for some land uses.  A link to the proposed changes will be available on this Broomfield Voice page in the coming days so please check back.  

    Once adopted, this code update will apply to all new development, along with major renovations/redevelopment, but will not be retroactive for all existing development in Broomfield. 


Page last updated: 18 Feb 2025, 06:58 PM