LURC Hearing - January 24, 2022
The Land Use Review Commission (LURC) is scheduled to consider the Broomfield Town Square Planned Unit Development Plan. This Plan sets forth the custom zoning details for the property such as permitted land uses, building height, and setbacks among other details.
The PUD Plan is available to review in the document center (upper right corner of this web page.)
Please note, site-specific details such as the proposed building architecture, landscaping, lighting, parking, site amenities, etc. will be addressed in future plans considered through a similar public hearing process anticipated to be scheduled later this year.
Drawing of the Planned Unit Development Plan of the Broomfield Town Square. The plan is broken into two areas: 1. Area 1 is north of 1st Avenue and features residential buildings, mixed-use development, the existing Broomfield Library, a lake, a boat house, a park and a plaza. 2. Area 2 is between 1st Avenue and 120th Avenue and features a reused Safeway™ and mixed-use development.
Broomfield Town Square approved! On Sept. 13, 2023 Broomfield City Council and BURA approved the Site Development Plan for the Broomfield Town Square. Moving forward, construction and project updates will be found on the developer’s website: Broomfield Town Square Alliance website.
You can learn more about the history of this project, including how community input shaped the guiding principles of this development, by reading below. Additional information about the Concept Review can be found on the Broomfield Town Square Concept page.